Example sentences of "the [noun] may be say " in BNC.

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1 The case may be said to be a good example of the stringency with which the courts scrutinise transactions of guarantee entered into at the instance of a debtor who is likely to be in a position to exert influence on the surety and in circumstances in which the surety can derive no conceivable benefit from the transaction .
2 The fact that the taxpayer may be said to benefit in some way from the overseas income — he was able to buy the property because the loan was made to him and he could only keep up , or he kept up , the payments of interest by using that income — is not enough to cause there to be a remittance .
3 Whilst any legal provisions concerned with the curriculum may be said to add further legitimacy to the instillation of moral , cultural and social values by the education system ( via the so-called ‘ affective curriculum ’ ) , there are provisions associated in a particularly identifiable way with certain values — for example , those concerned with sex and race equality , which may be said to have almost universal support amongst policy-makers and practitioners .
4 Enough is enough , the president may be saying in his book and on the screen .
5 Even the solicitor and the author may be said to be employed — in the ‘ simple language … used and understood by ordinary literate men and women ’ — and if they are employed , their remuneration is surely earned ‘ in employment . ’
6 And what is said of the resurrection may be said of other miracles .
7 The exhibition may be said to have motivated the adoption of Chinese art studies in western universities .
8 We need to hear what the Lord may be saying to us in all of this and be open to the challenge of church planting and the support of other fellowships around us .
9 The strength of the culture may be said to lie in the convergence of these orientations — that is , they are compatible with and reinforce one another , and similarly are compatible with and are reinforced by the experience of history .
10 The point at which the system may be said to have commenced was in the Progress Office .
11 In so far as this tendency brought with it loss of belief in survival , the Evangelicals may be said to have unintentionally contributed to the process .
12 In the course of understanding print , the reader may be said to process or transform the information from a visual code to a semantic code .
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