Example sentences of "the [noun] then [vb -s] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Having dealt with the question of exclusion clauses in general , the UCTA then deals with the question of the extent to which liability for breach of certain warranties implied into contracts for the supply of goods and services under the SGA , the SGSA and the Supply of Goods ( Implied Terms ) Act 1973 can be excluded by express provision in the relevant contract .
2 The board then rests on the edging , is pulled along to scrape the sand level .
3 In fact it makes its point more powerfully if it is seen as prose but heard or read as poetry since the meditation then enacts for the reader that speech-become-song meditation-become-poem that Rolle talks of in The Fire of Love .
4 The chaos then results from the compilers ' eagerness to compress his discussion of several variants into one example burdened with exceptions and qualifications .
5 At this point a new blank page is generated according to the layout defined on the corresponding master page and the text then flows into that , and so on .
6 The two parties will then exchange counter-offers , until one party accepts the counter-offer of the other , whereupon the contract then comes into existence .
7 The length of the cable then rests on the staples and can always be lifted off for painting and cleaning .
8 The male then passes through the nest in order to fertilise the eggs .
9 The male then looks for another mate and he may escort as many as five females through the nest .
10 In the common river genus Cottus , or sticklebacks , or seashore blennies , the male defends a territory ; the female visits him , lays her eggs , which he then fertilizes ; the female departs ; and the male then looks after the eggs .
11 The route then goes through Errington Woods to the edge of Beacon Moor .
12 In order to make that pattern more obvious , the statistician then draws through the points a ‘ best line ’ — that is , a line which represents the general trend , even though some of the points lie well clear of it .
13 The hammer then returns to the hammer rest block .
14 The reasoning then comes through his narration of having an impairment .
15 The light then passes through a small transparent section of the protective outer coating ( the cornea ) , and continues via a lens which focuses it on the back of the retina .
16 The chapter then turns to a detailed analysis of the behavioural determinants of consumer demand .
17 4 The defender then turns into the strike she is about to deliver , thus adding more power to the knife hand to the attacker 's throat .
18 An attack is warded off with the rear hand guard : the defender then drops onto one knee and strikes with a crippling tiger claw to the groin .
19 The advantage of being able to store such a file on a direct access device in addresses which are directly related to the key then has to be balanced against the waste of space involved .
20 The practice then has to be " proved " by evidence as to the intention of the parties , expert evidence on a trade practice or usage , a trade or technical gloss on the meaning of a particular term , or even as a separate term implied into the rules .
21 We just passed the revenue , the capital , the revenue then goes on the base budget , is called the revenue consequence of capital expenditure and all the fire officers ask for is enough to build a fire station and the cost of running it is automatically going onto your bill .
22 The W then decays to an electron and a neutrino .
23 The experimenter then waits for a certain amount of time and repeats the experiment to see how well the rat has remembered what it has to do .
24 The hypnotist then proceeds to more difficult illusions ; the successful completion of each stage is used to judge the ‘ depth ’ of trance .
25 If such service is requested , the bailiff then serves by inserting the summons etc through the letter-box or handing it to a person ( apparently not less than 16 years old ) at the address given in the request for summons .
26 The dogs stand in numerical order and the judge then looks at every exhibit and examines teeth and , in the case of dogs , testicles .
27 The scene then continues in verse .
28 So the question then becomes for them how this particular human being is God , rather than their thinking in terms of a humanity in which he too participated .
29 The question then arises of exactly which position should be detected ?
30 The question then arises of the most suitable arrangements to be made for the Territorial Army .
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