Example sentences of "the [noun] they [vb past] be " in BNC.

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1 The parents were outraged ; the managers had got the opportunity they had been waiting for .
2 Both the external images of apartness and the usefulness of the attitudes they represented were considered questionable .
3 By the time Iran had attacked a Kuwaiti , a Saudi and then a Liberian tanker ( the last of these caught near the principal Saudi terminal at Ras Tanura ) , the GCC states had begun to recognize this sequence — as it was doubtless intended — as a signal to distance themselves from Iraq in the light of the support they had been providing for Baghdad .
4 ‘ Teenagers are much maligned but the support they gave was tremendous , ’ he said .
5 Patients presenting with clinical evidence of gastrointestinal haemorrhage were endoscoped urgently , the source of bleeding identified , and appropriate treatment instituted including endoscopic sclerotherapy irrespective of which arm of the trial they had been randomised to .
6 Accordingly , the ideologies they adopted were divorced from reality .
7 The teachers at Howard were given government grants for their work but the money they received was the standard Salvation Army allowance .
8 We chucked their livers into a large barrel fastened to the mast ; these were sold for cod-liver oil and the money they fetched was the perquisite of the crew .
9 Taxpayers , ratepayers , policy makers and administrators all demanded information about the way in which the money they provided was being spent .
10 When he visited Ottery in August 1793 his brothers reluctantly agreed to help him ; but some of the money they supplied was frittered away on the journey back to Cambridge , and when he got there he discovered a host of forgotten debts .
11 Neither their range nor their alignment being of more than average accuracy , the damage they did was haphazard but promising .
12 It was the Russians they 'd been listening to the whole lot .
13 82% of the respondents thought that cultural preparation for working overseas was necessary and important and 54% stated that the preparation they received was adequate , while 36% thought it was inadequate .
14 ‘ Close to the 50th anniversary of the glorious Dambusters raid it is marvellous to be on the site where the bombs they used were developed , ’ he said .
15 In his ward at the Waterloo they 'd been allowed to smoke for an hour a day .
16 Trundling along the lane they entered was a line of galvanized garbage trucks , empty and snaking on their rounds to collect the day 's debris .
17 Mordecai had said that he usually approached the shop through the bazaar , and that was the side they had been watching .
18 The classroom was the warehouse they 'd been in before .
19 All the seats had been taken , but once Myeloski had waved his warrant-card at the ticket-desk they had been given seats .
20 Once again there was a flurry of bodies from the doorway they had been defending and another charge .
21 Ants of knowledge were pick-pick-picking at her brain , fighting their way in , and she had no defences against them , but the data they brought were swirled and fragmented pixels that frightened her with their strangeness .
22 If their bodies had not been quite crushed to death by the labours they had been forced to perform for their Egyptian taskmasters , then surely their spirits had been .
23 As the Canadian railway companies experimented for a distinctive national style , it is perhaps not surprising that they turned to French models , although the styles they adopted were often filtered through the United States .
24 The funds they manipulated were substantially other people 's .
25 It seems the piece they took was holding up a window sash .
26 No one was jumping for joy because they 'd finally got the piece they 'd been searching for for years .
27 Maybe this was the break they had been waiting for .
28 They argue that support acted as an antecedent protective factor , but as their data was not longitudinal , the relationships they found are open to alternative explanations .
29 Writers and the books they produced were of the same type , full of antiquarian information and the archaic vocabulary that went with it .
30 The methods they used were were the same tactical methods
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