Example sentences of "the [noun] but with [art] " in BNC.

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1 Gangs of men were at work trying to rescue the contents of the burning shacks , going from one to another , putting out the fires ; or so I thought till with a shock it came to me that these were no rescuers but incendiaries , that the battle I saw them waging was not with the flames but with the rain .
2 I had already been part of the theatre working as an ASM at the Cambridge Arts Theatre , not with the University but with the
3 Indeed some of these reforms were later put forward by the Hussites but with the Hussite Wars , this great period of cathedral building came to an end .
4 In recent seasons the Hondas have rarely lacked the speed to destroy their rivals on the straights but with no Yamahas to beat this season , the battle for the championship will almost certainly be an all Honda battle .
5 Aplin had been asking many questions about Putt , not only in connection with the robberies but with the rape of Anna too .
6 The large house at the end is still the shop but with an added provision — the Coll Bistro .
7 Here was a film akin to the first pictures from the moon but with a difference .
8 He should have asked the Captain but with the Substitute 's eyes fixed on him he had n't felt able to , and later there had never been time .
9 Basically our branches are based on the district but with a slight variation or two , not exactly district .
10 The Council has supported moves towards more responsible management of the countryside but with the important caveat that the management systems should work in harmony with local interest , including the interest in sustaining output and employment in rural areas .
11 Rachel was relieved that everything seemed to be running so smoothly , not only with the setting up of the chat-line but with the new , easygoing atmosphere in the centre .
12 Otherwise , the syllabus is practically the same as in the past but with the emphasis on accompanying and coaching movement with voice , percussion and taped music , which does give the lesson a different feel .
13 It can be argued that the major failings in 1940 lay not with the government but with the Army whose ageing generals were quite unprepared for the tactics of blitzkrieg .
14 That brought him to Clermont-Ferrand for the French Grand Prix firmly in the lead of the championship but with a bad bout of flu .
15 ‘ We will continue with the subsidy but with a maximum of £80 per shop instead of the previous £120 , ’ said Mr Thin .
16 The inexperienced Masters ' contestant therefore has to contend not only with the aura of the Masters but with the aura of Jack Nicklaus .
17 Were n't redheads all ice on the thatch but with a red-hot fire burning in the hearth ?
18 When Henry Homer wrote this in 1767 the canal age was in its infancy , but he predicted that not only by the turnpikes but with the aid of " an even more valuable project of increasing inland navigation , a facility of communication is soon likely to be established from every part of the Island to the sea and from the several places on it to each other " .
19 The recent Beethoven Fifth Symphony in Berlin had massively sustained tone in the fermatas but with no loss of forward impetus in the playing .
20 Comrades , the London region supports the m the report but with the reservation I mentioned .
21 The key to the approach though lies not just with the police but with the Northants diversion unit .
22 This , referred to as the land settlement , was run by the peasants but with the supervision of officials from the agrarian reform agency .
23 Anyway , everybody rushed out into the kitchen and cook found some ice and wrapped it up in white cloth and then this woman picked up the toad and put it back in the garden but with the ice in her hands .
24 I 've had men go through the registers but with no success .
25 In PCT the individual interacts not just with the world but with the world as he/she interprets it .
26 The third option is to sell the property along with the company but with a legal charge on the property which will ensure that if the property is sold , say for development , within a specified period , the Government will receive a specified share of the development proceeds .
27 Madrid , level with Barcelona before the weekend but with an inferior goal difference , took a 2-1 lead over Logrones in the 88th minute and seemed certain winners .
28 The single-shelled molluscs feed not with tentacles within the shell like the brachiopods but with a radula , a ribbon-shaped tongue , covered with rasping teeth .
29 The tender offer involves an offer to the public to bid for the shares but with a minimum subscription price .
30 It meant a lot more handwriting — the usual challenge to the reader but with the advantage that different handwriting clearly shows what was original thought and what was later input by colleagues .
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