Example sentences of "the [noun] that i know " in BNC.

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1 Oh , well I did n't recognize it , not the honesty that I know .
2 May I join the Prime Minister — and , I am sure , the whole House — in sending good wishes to Her Majesty , and in expressing the admiration that I know is felt throughout our country , the Commonwealth and , indeed , the wider world for the wisdom , strength and dedication that Her Majesty has invariably shown throughout the four decades in which she has been our sovereign ?
3 Though it has to be said , he wrote , and Goldberg , his eye racing down the page covered in his friend 's tiny handwriting , paused to sip from the glass of fresh orange-juice at his side , wiped his forehead and went on typing , it has to be said that I have occasionally had the illusion that I knew what step to take first and even , occasionally , what step to take second , I will not talk about a third .
4 I hope that we will be able to give them some sort of relief from the distress that I know that they will be feeling at the outcome of this case today . ’
5 We were expected to follow the lessons in our Bibles , with the result that I knew my way about the Bible very competently .
6 The writer said , in effect , " Here is my Horace " , and the reader responded , in effect , " This is/is not the Horace that I know " , appraising the performance from the heart as well as the mind , much as a listener might appraise the rendering of a familiar musical work .
7 If you 'd known at the beginning that I knew your parents you would n't have even given me the time of day .
8 All of the uses that I know of diagnostic computers are involve the doctor talking to the patient , looking at the patient , taking symptoms and then going and using the computer in a similar way that we perhaps might go and ask for an x-ray .
9 ‘ I was shocked in the sense that I knew what inspectors could do , but I was n't worried because I thought they were just wasting their time . ’
10 Then we started , in May , to go to Germany — Munchen Gladbach in the Ruhr area on 11/12 May , Happily it was not the Ruhr that I knew on my second tour , a desperate place to be at then .
11 Irina had the idea that I knew certainly as much of the truth behind the events as anyone and possibly more .
12 It was n't until the party that I knew I could n't pretend to myself any longer .
13 ‘ You ca n't stand the fact that I know what you 're really like behind that ice-cool façade . ’
14 It 's also the fact that I know for a fact , I know for a fact that she 's very frightened of his temper when it happens .
15 The fact that I knew it was wicked to expose my smooth bare slit gave me a feeling both of pleasure and of power , never vocalised .
16 I felt that this was possibly a chap I should look at — quite apart from the fact that I knew little of him except that he had somehow or other got out of Holland and become the ADC to Queen Wilhelmina at the Dutch headquarters in London .
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