Example sentences of "the [noun] [subord] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I think I 'd rather live in the park than go to the smelly old place .
2 If the official receiver has a number of general proxies given to him , it is usual for him to vote with these proxies in accordance with the wishes of the majority as expressed at the meeting itself or by virtue of special proxies lodged .
3 The proposals accepted by the majority as flowing from these principles provided for fifty-eight unitary authorities with populations increasing in a steady progression from 195,000 ( Halifax ) to 1,081,000 ( Sheffield and South Yorkshire ) .
4 I would argue with the author on the merits of the wing-down as opposed to the crab cross-wind landing techniques , and feel that he should have concentrated less on right-hand tractor American rotation engines , but other than that I ca n't fault him , and would class the book as absolutely required for anyone aspiring to be a tailwheel instructor .
5 Both of these rejected the notion of the primitive as used in the earlier studies , as well as the evolutionary concepts which had legitimized that notion .
6 I learned the basics of welding at college and have picked up tips from the experts while working on my scrap metal cows at Beamish Tram Shed and a pipe factory in Hebburn on Tyneside .
7 Thus ‘ dexter ‘ refers to the left -hand side of the shield as viewed from the front , and ‘ sinister ’ means the right -hand side . )
8 Not counted as ‘ work time ’ are periods described by the housewife as spent in leisure occupations watching television , reading and so on .
9 The performance of the homes sits in the Orlando area - Davenport Glen and Chatham Park — exceeded our expectations , whilst Monterey in Dade County produced a range of homes which appealed very strongly to local residents including some whose motivation to purchase had been prompted by the hurricane while swept through southern Florida last year .
10 The precise directions in respect of which the penal notice is sought should be specified by the solicitors when applying for such a penal notice .
11 To that general principle , however , there would seem to be a number of exceptions where the court will not simply accept the verdict of the solicitors as expressed in their own agreement .
12 It is part of the daily truck in street markets ; it the kind of thing which turns on the average car dealer ; it is part and parcel of many of the transactions carried out in the building trade and cash or at least early settlement means a better price for the retailer when negotiating with a manufacturer .
13 However , the trial as recorded by Luke is a confusing narrative that is built around three important titles of Jesus :
14 The most important indicator was the role of the Commission which under the guidance of Walter Hallstein had played the active role hoped for by ardent Europeanists , overcoming the diminution of the supranational element in the EEC as compared to the ECSC .
15 Podder hit the board whilst batting in a match between Dingley Dell and Muggleton , and afterwards orally requested Pickwick to pay £%; to Mrs Jingle , to whom Podder was indebted for board and lodging .
16 The term used to describe the course of the board when sailing in the same direction as the wind .
17 However , it seems that the relation is not quite the same , for there is no comparable way in which a hearer can express the same wonder or wish by assenting to the sentence as uttered by the speaker .
18 The Dempster was called into court by the ringing of a bell and recited the sentence as recorded by the Clerk of the Court adding " This I give for doom . "
19 The measure as revised by the committee tried as hard as possible to accommodate the views of those who object to women priests .
20 If his plan worked , he would have an hour or two to himself dawdling along the reef , which was a better way of spending the afternoon than acting as nanny to four Latinos .
21 Judgement means that the court agrees that your debtor owes you the money as stated on the judgement which is normally your debt , the interest and some costs .
22 It was a considerable retreat from the sophistication of the case as argued before 1917 .
23 He regarded the case as governed by Morgan v. Palmer , 2 B. & C. 729 , which was cited in argument .
24 At least , that 's the case when downloading from a bulletin board .
25 Following consultation with Assistant Managers and Officer members in Bank of Ireland throughout the country in respect of the rumoured implementation of Performance Related Pay , it was agreed that the Bank be contacted for the purpose of elaborating on the views as expressed by the members at those meetings .
26 The alternative , and orthodox view , sees the damage as resulting from invasions from Scotland following the withdrawal of the garrisons by the governor of Britain and usurper emperor , Clodius Albinus , in AD Fig. 7 .
27 The co-operation of these voices might be seen as the very essence of critical commentary : to interpret the text while refering to it with varying levels of precision .
28 Say , for example , the text as recorded in the computer 's memory showed WORD WORD WORD i WORD n WORD WORD .
29 Should the final print of the Catechism include the text as leaked on the use of the death penalty you have my assurance that I shall write to the Pope and Cardinal Ratzinger to express my disapproval and condemnation .
30 Norman Holland 's theory of reading ( 1975 ) takes as its starting point the text , but the text as perceived by the individual reader .
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