Example sentences of "the [noun] [noun prp] [verb] his " in BNC.

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1 Even up here in the wood miles away from the class-room Philip felt his face burn at the way he 'd made a fool of himself .
2 After the vote Etpison expressed his disappointment over the result which he attributed to a weariness towards the issue by the voters , a sentiment apparently underlined by the comparatively low turnout .
3 Up on the roof Balberith drove his fists at the steel plate and howled obscenities , the way some of them do .
4 On most of the album Shaun puts his fingerstyle technique to good use on his Warwick five-string , but this track sounds to me suspiciously like he 's using his ‘ 68 Fender Jazz Bass with both pickups full on .
5 The Phoenix King led his guard from Lothern to meet them .
6 At each stage of the dilution Hahnemann subjected his solutions to a succession of powerful shocks by bringing the vials in which they were contained down hard several times on to a firm surface .
7 Elsewhere in the interview Derrida invokes his key word ‘ play ’ in much the same sense in which Arnold employed it in the ‘ free play of mind ’ .
8 In exchange for funds he would get the Ping Tiao to do his dirty work — to burn the East European Plantations and create havoc with City Europe 's food supplies , thus de-stabilising Li Shai Tung 's City .
9 ‘ He swears that the Brigadier and the Brigade Major use his establishment and supply him with this vital information .
10 In April 1968 , the reformer Ceauşescu told his Central Committee , ‘ We do n't need any idols …
11 Whereas Augustus had had the poet Virgil to sing his praises , Constantine had the ecclesiastical politician and historian Eusebius as the man who sat immediately to the right of his throne during the sessions of the Council of Nicaea in 325 and exercised a decisive influence on the creed and discipline of the Universal , or Catholic , Church .
12 When that right was withdrawn by Cromwell , who set up a licensing system for books and newspapers , the poet Milton uttered his immortal cry for press freedom , the " Areopagitica " : " Promiscuous reading is necessary to the constituting of human nature .
13 Corals were so impressed they cut Rambo 's Hall to 7-1 joint favourite with the horse Glover rates his biggest threat — last year 's winner Mellottie .
14 Up on the muir , the Rev. Douglas finished his sermon to the conventicle by saying to his congregation , ‘ You have had the theory , and now for the practice .
15 Downstairs in the hall Greg took his coat , and was going to let himself out when he was forestalled by Viola 's son , who came out from the sitting-room , his wife hanging back in the doorway .
16 They had learned that the Earl Patrick had his base meantime at Holywell Haugh near Horndean , eight miles west of Berwick , a convenient location to encamp a standing force and to dominate the East March and the main ford of Tweed thereabouts , opposite Norham .
17 The acolyte Rizla clears his throat to deliver the lecture .
18 In December 1990 the Dalai Lama renounced his previous insistence on complete separation for Tibet and proposed instead that Tibet should enter into a " loose confederation " with China .
19 Beijing says any hospitality to the Dalai Lama helps his campaign for Tibetan independence .
20 The dragon Ladon crisped his jewelled crest
21 Now he is hoping to be picked for the match against Spain in the Canary Islands to give his career a real boost .
22 Ran means chaos , a state which reigns when the Warlord Nakadai divides his kingdom between three sons .
23 Addressing the conference Castro repeated his opposition to Western multiparty systems , describing them as the " grand instrument of imperialism " which fragmented and divided societies .
24 From the moment Galwey won his first international cap against Namibia two years ago the experts claimed he was too short for an international lock forward , too slow to be an effective No 8 .
25 The British themselves began their descent of the bloody staircase the moment Balfour blotted his signature in 1917 .
26 As they went back through the copse Hazel recounted his talk with Fiver that morning .
27 In an attempt to defuse the protests Roh dismissed his Minister for Home Affairs , Ahn Eung Mo , on April 27 and replaced him with Lee Sang Yeon .
28 As they stepped out on to the pavement Charlie bade his partner goodnight with an exaggerated bow .
29 The apostle Peter told his friends : always be prepared to make a defence for the hope that is in you .
30 Here the apostle Peter affirms his belief that the scriptures are ‘ inspired ’ or literally ‘ God breathed ’ and his reference to ‘ the creation ’ shows that he accepted the Genesis account fully which leaves no room for belief in evolution .
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