Example sentences of "the [noun] [coord] [pers pn] also " in BNC.

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1 Not only does the picture add nothing to the text but it also does n't convey as much about the incident as the text .
2 Not only does a story or novel provide a safe distance from the experience but it also enables far deeper knowledge of people than is common in real life .
3 We assess our assistant stewardesses for promotion to other areas of work aboard the cruise ship which makes this job a very good entry level for those who wish to make a career in the industry and we also run a training scheme for our housekeeping department .
4 Now there are occasionally criticisms from members that there is too much concentration on the elite end of sport in the Sports Federation in this instance the R Y A but what is important about the is an effort to produce a very high standard as a finished product so to speak to go to the Olympics but it also helps to concentrate minds on the bit that is missing before and help to recycle everybody 's concentration into the training area and Rod has just been talking about the year of youth and of course it follows on very naturally in a post- olympic year to launch that year of youth .
5 Specialist cells serve other cells in the club and they also benefit from the efficiency of other specialists .
6 ‘ As the Sun now recognises , the publication did cause personal offence to the Queen but it also caused offence amongst those who prefer to hear or see Her Majesty 's Christmas Message for the first time on Christmas Day . ’
7 Now we travelled the best part of the Ukraine and we also dipped into and er we were there about a month , just under a month , and erm one of the impressions that I got there , just as an ordinary chap , no , not learned politically so I ca n't speak on the level er of most of your callers today , but er , I realise that here you had er people , in actual fact my my comment was the country 's half finished , everywhere you went there were building constructions so far incomplete , er projects underway and you 've got the impression that they did need communism in a way to make the thing work er , the er , let's take the Ukrainians , I mean that , that 's where the Cossacks come from and they love a good time , er those sort of people in a way need a strong government .
8 Not only does the epidermis secrete the greater part of the cuticle but it also produces the moulting fluid ( Bade and Wyatt , 1962 ; Jeuniaux , 1963 ) , which dissolves the old endocuticle before the immature insect moults ( p. 361 ) , it absorbs the digestion products of the old cuticle , repairs wounds and differentiates in such a way as to determine the surface patterns of the insect ( Wigglesworth , 1959 ; Lawrence , 1967 ) .
9 Members are given a discount card which entitles them to 10% of all yarn and haberdashery purchases from the shop and they also have the opportunity to sell their garments through the shop on a commission basis .
10 So but I think with this I mean this homework , that 's the only thing I do n't believe in because they 've got ta revise it which is brilliant , I mean , at the moment but they also give them three hours homework a night !
11 It is mainly in the instrumental strands of the score but it also penetrates the vocal parts , too , as you will very quickly find , for instance in the fugal first Kyrie which is projected in a disjointed , somewhat breathless fashion .
12 Between because before they got he went away and measured up the body and he also had sometime then you see he would have to go and put the body in the coffin .
13 Mostly he is talking about a period before the war but he also refers to the uprising against the Germans in 1912 , and some events immediately after the last war , and to a man he describes as his brother .
14 He himself denied that the former MI5 deputy director Guy Liddell was a Russian agent during the war and he also defended Sir Roger Hollis who fell under suspicion when he was director-general of the security services .
15 The Sheriff sent to the Commander-in-Chief in Plymouth for a company of soldiers to defend the town and he also issued warrants for the raising of a ‘ posse comitatus ’ .
16 I do n't know what the financial arrangements are but he has a double role , he attends the classes but he also does spinal manipulation and massage for those of Brand 's clients who need it or say they do . ’
17 The sea water comes out in the bulge towards the moon and it also comes out in the bulge on the other side of the of the earth towards an anti Now the easiest way of explaining this .
18 The , the amount of money is allocated on a weighted mileage basis so it 's to do with the length of mileages in the area and it also reflects the various types of surveys that are done to assess the condition of the , the roads in the various areas , so that 's how the money is first divided up on an area basis , but within that all the schemes that are listed here have been promulgated either from such as yourself , from members of the general public , or as a result of our own inspections er and a priority has been assessed to them in a methodical way .
19 My own view that Sun readers are n't stupid and that the general public is n't really a stupid erm but erm they enjoy reading it and they 're reading for the experience of reading , getting their views and are very almost like , have you ever seen processed cheese slabs , you know you can buy little pieces of cheese in little wrappers that stick on your bread or your butter or your rolls and the way the Sun , the Sun newspaper 's kind of like that , if you do n't wan na read thirty five pages in the Independent every day , enormous amount of news terrifically written , reported for the , for the most part , you could read the Sun at a quarter of the price , except that you do n't get all the news and you also get er a different political viewpoint but it 's one way of getting news in er
20 I know we see hours of golf during the season but we also see hours of cricket .
21 ‘ I like staying up until 3am or 4am in the morning but I also get up early .
22 ‘ I just did a couple of wild things for the videos : I covered myself with a hundred thousand bees for the Flight Of The Bumblebee and I also walked on hot coals ! ’
23 Two years later Clark was champion again after winning another six rounds of the championship and he also , in 1965 , became the first Briton to win the coveted Indianapolis 500 title .
24 Not only is it physically dependent on older members of the species but it also lacks the behaviour patterns necessary for living in human society .
25 She knew she was violating her bail conditions by being in the Rollercoaster but she also knew she would be perfectly safe if she kept a low profile .
26 Yeah got a letter back from her and she seemed quite pleased to have the letter but she also started by I 've been surprised by the amount of interest shown s si since I went on .
27 I prefer to prepare the food and I also like to serve the drinks .
28 Not only does this enable blind people to follow the liturgy but it also makes it possible for those who wish to become readers .
29 Not only does this enable blind people to follow the liturgy but it also makes it possible for those who wish to become readers .
30 Not only did he concede the penalty but he also presented White with the perfect chance to cap a memorable day .
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