Example sentences of "the [noun] [noun pl] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Will my hon. Friend firmly rebut the criticisms made by those who continue to argue that although the aims of that Act are excellent , the funding arrangements to support it are not ?
2 Several studies have shown that the base pairs surrounding its GC-binding site affect the binding of actinomycin .
3 I personally use The Helios Pharmacy in Tunbridge Wells ( tel. 0892 537254 ) since the pharmacist is John Tomlinson whose article Dose , Dilution and the LM Potencies demonstrates his understanding of the preparation procedures .
4 It was supposed to be like going Over the Top , but it felt more like a gang of reluctant schoolboys setting out on a cross-country run with only the prospect of a quick smoke round the back of the bike sheds to sustain them .
5 From slang to puns to points of conflict , the end result is something like homeboy fashion meets voodoo charm and , back in ‘ 88 , the LA Times gave her a fitting nickname , ‘ East LA 's Ambassador Of Culture ’ .
6 The LA police told me this .
7 The hunger strike was interpreted in some quarters as an attempt by the RAF prisoners to increase their influence on the command structure outside prison .
8 but they did n't explode , so the RAF lads said they were made of macaroni .
9 With the RAF roundels removed it was repainted as ‘ DU–A ’ , the commander 's machine , and it now proudly again carries this livery .
10 how to distinguish a statistically significant coefficient , right , rule of thumb is that the T ratio has to be greater than two with absolute value right and the figures in square brackets next to the T ratios tell us the exact level of significance , right , er of that coefficient , right , so the incoming elasticity of demand is statistically significant from zero only at the eighty five percent level , a correspondence of fifteen percent significance that incoming the price elasticity demand , highly significant , right , significance level as given by the probabil by the probability er unit in square brackets , the timing level therefore we could be very highly confident about that coefficient okay .
11 There 's that , and there 's never anything really , only the only thing is the milk puddings see you get this pudding she makes .
12 Having once negotiated the hurdle of the initial course it was not so difficult to persuade those who held the money bags to allow me to fly the aircraft every six months or so to maintain some sort of standard in flying up-to-date jet transports .
13 Marketing their clubs as exclusive establishments with a championship-standard course and a five star hotel-standard clubhouse , the money men felt they could pitch their joining fee at £10,000 or £25,000 and even charge £1,000 annual dues on top .
14 The Cambridgeshire police think they have found Angela Morgan .
15 ‘ Foureyes ’ is recruited by the Victoria Victors to improve its design , but the car is eventually discovered and wins the race for the Bats .
16 A ‘ Money Bill ’ for this purpose is any Commons Bill which the Speaker certifies to be such , and the Parliament Acts make it abundantly clear that his certification is final and conclusive and beyond challenge in any other forum .
17 The case studies enabled us to study the process of separation in detail , how the new relationship between district and units was perceived , and the approaches to contracting .
18 Eventually , the gas will be so hot that when the hydrogen atoms collide they no longer bounce off each other , but instead coalesce to form helium .
19 The mushroom anemones use their tentacles to trap zooplankton .
20 I flew down and looked at the computer screens to see what was written on them , and they all said in huge letters …
21 Yet the aim is for individuals on both sides to come together and explore , ex tempore , mutual areas of interest in the conference venue , the Glasgow Hilton , ( ’ I expect a lot of the business to be done in the corridors ’ , said Howell ) or at the Computer Solutions Show which runs simultaneously at the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre .
22 Somehow , I never found my way back to Porthford until this week , when the March winds blew me in a letter from Ilsa .
23 Margery Kempe witnesses to the way in which the visual icons of the Easter ceremonies activated her inner sense of the reality of the Incarnation .
24 It is likely that the stem cells maintain their characteristic state by virtue of their position in the basal layer where they may be under the influence of a deeper layer of cells .
25 Lord Stevens , the chairman , said the Express titles increased their market share of circulation , while advertising volumes rose 7 per cent in the year .
26 Other supporters of women priests are more optimistic ; they say the election results mean they 'll be able to persuade the Church to change its rules within five years .
27 The Parlour Performers give their services free for charity and Bumpstead branch can recommend them highly .
28 It was like a ship that set out with the navigator doing one thing , the captain doing another , the deck hands doing something on their own .
29 After his father 's death in 1885 the cable companies persuaded him to set up his own manufacturing business , Muirhead & Company , which was so successful that in 1894 he was able to take over his father 's old firm when it was finally wound up .
30 We have the kitchen middens to inform us about the former and the dolmens and passage graves — both resting places and scenes of ancestor worship — to inform us of the latter .
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