Example sentences of "the [noun] [prep] [noun] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 The majority of works in ‘ From the Treasuries of Eurasia : Masterpieces of Ancient Art ’ have never been shown in the West before .
2 The 4GL runs on top of multiple databases , including Oracle , Informix , Ingres and Sybase , as well as the Cobol-based flat file systems that still act as a base for the majority of installations out there .
3 Patrick Costello , the priest in charge of the chapel on the summit said , ‘ The majority of people around here are against gold mining and since the church is the people the church is against it ’ .
4 The variety of ages up there — old , middling and my generation .
5 Canalization involves the direction of attention on to particular objects — in this case toys of the domestic kind : miniature washing machines , cookers , dustpan and brush sets , and so forth .
6 It must be the change in air down there . ’
7 The older man was eager to engage him , keen to get the trial of strength over with , aware , perhaps , of limited strength .
8 the arrangements it makes for the admission of students on to the Bar Vocational Course ;
9 If these conditions prevailed in a public company , the shareholders would sack the board of directors out of hand , while in a private company , bankruptcy would soon occur .
10 To date nothing is known to their service with the RAF in India up to their transfer to the Indian Air Force on December 31 , 1947 .
11 He allowed the sentence to tail off .
12 Now the very simple thing is if we just stop doing this other project and get the T As back down on to , if , if we need to do that .
13 So they , they need the money as capital up front .
14 Along with the clatter of clunk-clicking up and down the nation this week , there have been the usual apocryphal murmurings about the dangers of seat belts .
15 And when she ended ‘ It 'll be the case of Emma over again , only with both of them ’ , he shook her gently by the shoulders .
16 The rise of unemployment up to 1986 raises many questions about the distribution of income in society , which we shall consider in the final part of this chapter .
17 The company , which last year sold 45 farms , puts the rise in interest down to a new confidence in farming caused by European Community reform , a drop in interest rates and good prices for beef .
18 I was with the South African team throughout their travels in Australia and New Zealand and found them an exceptionally nice group ; agonized with them on the eve of the referendum on reforms back in South Africa when there were last-minute scare reports of a major swing to the right wing ; rejoiced with them when the vote when 68% for sanity , a far greater margin than any of us had dared hope for ; and generally enjoyed with them their victories and their considerable achievement in reaching the semi-final stage .
19 The court ruled on June 20 that the 1965 Voting Rights Act applied to judicial elections , thereby allowing voters to challenge election methods which were alleged to militate against the election of minorities on to the bench .
20 If they have n't remained constant over our sampling period , right , then there 's no point in making our sample predictions , alright , we 've got to have at least the confidence that our model is re relatively stable over our small sample , right , in order to make any sort of predictions about the behaviour of the dependent variable that we are looking at and the parameter of interest out of sample more often than not when we have parameter instability that does n't always signal a change in government policy , it often signals the fact that you 've got a very poor model , a model er is mis-specified and so if we detect a structural change in our model , we first of all try and explain why it may come about
21 The Association 's Director , Alan Mattingly , claimed that the decision to phase out indications of which land was Forestry Commission-XXXX owned had been taken in the light of plans to sell off Commission land .
22 It is modern technology all wrapped up without the cable to trip over , and the restriction of power point locations .
23 They took the briefs and carried the tablets of stone back to their Branches , where this particular Manager gave out hell at the futility of it all .
24 But Rita in her own department has got the document that she sends so the researcher does n't have to take the bit of paper round to everybody and get their research approval form signed .
25 The nationalists promised to end the drain of resources out of the country , to industrialize in order to supply home consumption .
26 The bill is being paid by the Ministry of Defence out of public funds , and lawyers say the amount spent on the case contrasts with new guidelines introduced by the Lord Chancellor to reduce costs for legal aid .
27 More of the costs of educational materials have been transferred from the Ministry of Education on to consumers .
28 Something they can see and feel , and be impressed by , and tell all their pals in the Ministry of Justice about . ’
29 In rats infused with caerulein , the interlobular oedema and moderate intralobular oedema were accompanied by perivascular infiltration of leucocytes and the presence of vacuolisation in over 50% of acinar cells .
30 The Third SERA Teacher Researcher Conference takes place at the University of Stirling on .
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