Example sentences of "the [noun] [pron] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Raymond Williams came to think that a splitting of the discipline was increasingly likely , since cultural materialism and radical semiotics were not compatible with the dominant paradigm of literary study : ‘ For these necessarily include the paradigm itself as a matter for analysis , rather than as a governing definition of the object of knowledge . ’
2 … the standard of conduct required from a director in relation to dealings with a shareholder will differ depending upon all the surrounding circumstances and the nature of the responsibility which in a real and practical sense the director has assumed towards the shareholder .
3 The drunken voice of Officer Cecil informed him that he and his fellows were taking the calls one at a time .
4 The instructor should distribute Handout 13 , then go through the steps one at a time using the details in the text and asking the trainees to complete exercises where necessary .
5 It may take innumerable forms , such as scratching the panel of a coach , removing a tyre from a car , or the car itself from a garage , or , in the case of animals , beating or killing them .
6 It involves bringing the piece itself before a Committee of State experts ; they declare its value and charge 100% Custom fees .
7 Never perfect , it at least maintains the presence of Bosnia in its existing borders , and denies the Serbs their aim of a Greater Serbia and the Croats theirs of a Greater Croatia .
8 Within Protestantism a shift occurred — away from the exegetical principles of the Reformers themselves toward a more legalistic attitude .
9 The Parliament Act 1911 still recites that ‘ it is intended to substitute for the House of Lords as it at present exists a Second Chamber constituted on a popular instead of hereditary basis ’ and explains the Act itself as a temporary measure pending such a substitution .
10 Hyperplasia is in fact initiated by the fish itself as a protective mechanism in response to hostile water conditions or parasite infestations .
11 Hyperplasia is in fact initiated by the fish itself as a protective mechanism in response to hostile water conditions or parasite infestations .
12 In order to defend the legislative principle of integrity , therefore , we must defend the general style of argument that takes the community itself as a moral agent .
13 Kite was six under par when he inflicted on Clark the worst defeat in Ryder Cup singles history and in the process handed his side the initiative which for a time seemed it would n't relinquish .
14 Unionist reactions were twofold , first to play up the war itself as a unifier of classes , and second to exploit divisions in the Labour movement in the hope of carrying them over into peacetime .
15 The ministers involved recognize that MPs are being well briefed and though they will not necessarily concede directly they encounter a good case , they will usually move the amendment themselves at a later stage .
16 If you are self-employed , or in a partnership , you will naturally make all the contributions yourself to a pension plan .
17 Although the electorate had voted overwhelmingly against membership of the UN itself in a 1986 referendum [ see p. 34959 ] , Switzerland had since 1984 been a full participant in the General Arrangements to Borrow ( GAB ) established in 1962 , when the " Group of 10 " industrialized countries undertook to lend to the IMF .
18 He traced a chain of development in the verbalization of sexual material from " smut " , " " Zote " " , which is characteristically used , he claims , by a man to excite a woman , to the joke itself as a covert expression of thwarted male sexual aggression and desire .
19 It is also a good idea to secure the section of pipe running up to the ball-valve itself to a stout timber post fixed between the loft floor and the roof slope .
20 Alcuin wrote to Aethelred , probably in 791 , expressing affection for him and urging him to display kindness not cruelty and reason not anger in his deeds , and to speak truth not falsehood , but the sack of Lindisfarne by Vikings in June 793 ( ASC D , s.a. 793 ) provided a shocked and outraged Alcuin with an opportunity to declaim against the evils of Northumbrian society , as he saw them , and the shortcomings of the king himself in a letter to Aethelred and his nobles .
21 ‘ They say he would beat up the devil himself for a shilling , ’ replied Barney .
22 You know me , I run with the hare an' hunt with the hounds : I 'd suck up to the devil himself for a penny . ’
23 The following equation can be derived from equations ( 9 ) and ( 7 ) in the same way that equation ( 8 ) was derived from equations ( 6 ) and ( 7 ) : Osmosis is the passage of a solvent through a membrane from a dilute solution or the solvent itself into a concentrated solution .
24 Go to the toilet one at a time !
25 The Directive gave the UK something of a ‘ soft landing ’ , with only a 20 per cent cut on 1980 emissions required by 1993 , and just 60 per cent by 2003 .
26 The nurse brings to the relationship herself as a unique human being , the culmination of her particular life experiences .
27 Despite the terror which as a result of his ruthlessness , cruelty and ungovernable rages his name evoked , he had by the time of the British invasion lost effective control of his country except around his mountain fortress of Magdala .
28 After her husband 's death she had borne herself with a mournful dignity which had done her standing no harm , and taken the funeral food to the tomb herself with a regularity and devotion which would have shamed women lamenting better-loved partners .
29 You must do the needles one at a time — no short cuts !
30 Dismissing the assault as a subject of no concern , Joyce turned upon the intellectuals themselves with a promise of what was in store for them .
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