Example sentences of "the [noun] [prep] [adv] of " in BNC.

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1 On legal aid there is not clear recognition amongst the major commercial firms of the need to deploy much of the substantial funding that they provide in large measure for the profession in the defence at once of the legal aid scheme and of legal aid practitioners .
2 Networking of this type is a growing phenomenon in the USA , in particular in the field of out of school education .
3 Paradoxically , most general practitioners think that opting out of the responsibility for out of hours care altogether should be made possible .
4 The civil registration G–BGHB was originally allocated but with the vogue for out of sequence personal registrations this was changed to G–DPIT .
5 Burns became a cult figure because he was on the winning side , but appeared late enough on the scene to be able to sentimentalise the vanquished , thereby creating the illusion at least of being a national poet .
6 The authors of Out of Sight are uncomfortably aware that their impressionistic survey of the experiences of disabled people born between 1900 and 1950 may carry the implication that things are better now .
7 Much of their concern centred on what they saw as the imposition from above of particular versions of ‘ good primary practice ’ and the relationship between teachers ' allegiance to these and their career prospects .
8 This dual emphasis on the reader and on analysis of texts in units larger than a sentence seems to offer the beginnings at least of a new approach to text research , one which moves beyond a correlational approach to readability and starts instead to identify causal relationships between aspects of texts and difficulties in comprehension .
9 The National Anthem , and the Germans also have various other ones , erm , there is one which is very well known , called the Watch on the Rhine , bearing in mind that the Rhine for much of its length is the border between Germany and the rest of the world .
10 The success of this strategy led , despite a more repressive turn from the later part of the 1960s , to the undermining from within of the formal Francoist system of labour regulation .
11 ( ANNE ) In a few minutes … the battle of the buskers.A host of street performers are vying for the title of Best of British …
12 Best of Opposite Sex Following the selection of Best of Breed and Best of Winners , all the winners of the opposite sex to Best of Breed remain in the ring .
13 Tomorrow night we travel to Potosi the highest town in the world where Oxfam is working with the families of out of work miners as they try to find other ways of making a living .
14 One duck usually raises the alarm ( a deep quack ) and suddenly every eye on the jetty snaps open to follow the man across the bridge until out of sight .
15 As we watched , peering through the mist , he hooked an enormous fish which almost pulled the rod from out of his hands .
16 I think that is the issue and on the basis of the distribution of settlements , er now there 's nothing there to suggest to me that er there 's anything other than the level playing field at the outset of perhaps of that exercise .
17 erm Other people 's solutions affect what we can do , and so we have to come closer , in the sense at least of understanding and consulting .
18 ONE of the more abiding human mysteries is why the English — a proverbially tight-lipped and stiff-necked race — should have excelled in the louche world of the theatre for upwards of half a millennium .
19 Finally , resolved to find at least a change of heat , I went on to Khartoum , which had the merit at least of being dry in contrast to the swelter up north .
20 In the shot from above of Deckard hanging from the side of the building , the painting , mostly in shades of blue and purple , represents the precipitous drop beneath his feet .
21 ( A lot of argy-bargy , but in the end he took the letter from out of his pocket . )
22 Now at this point I want to sort of take a break from looking at the development of the Communist Party to looking briefly at the peasantry because although the peasantry have been in the background for much of the time , we have n't actually looked in any detail , so far , at the condition of the peasantry in China .
23 The use of computers makes possible the analysis of relatively of naturally occurring conversation .
24 Nor for that matter could Wiltshire clothiers , for , although a dozen or more were rated for the Anticipation at upwards of £100 , the highest was only £250 : for some reason the great William Stumpe of Malmesbury was not assessed .
25 Some action has been taken in most countries to support the survival at least of the more important communities in such areas .
26 In the previous chapter it was pointed out that both classical and neoclassical criminology had already incorporated some principles that were to be fundamental to positivism : classical criminology had insisted on practical crime control rather than retributive desert as the aim of punishment , and neoclassicism had allowed for the principle at least of ‘ determinants ’ of crime .
27 As soon as it is over and both males are exhausted they have a brief opportunity during which they can launch an attack and win the harem from both of them , and this has been seen to happen .
28 I do n't think that anyone could contemplate a retrospective of Matisse without the involvement at least of the four central institutions which are collaborating on our exhibition : the two Russian museums ; Paris and ourselves .
29 Such an approach appears to me to involve the possibility at least of an immense increase in the cost of litigation in which statutory construction is involved .
30 Now the purpose of therefore of this training course and any any training course is to do this is to be able to handle the arousal and increase your level of performance and even get the peak to move that way so for any level of arousal you 're getting better performance but you 're also able to handle a bit more butterflies a bit more of the nerves in order to perform effectively , and apart from a training course like this how do you achieve that ?
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