Example sentences of "the [noun] [noun] give [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But no amount of reading from the prayer book gave me the comfort I sought .
2 The princess sang along with old favourites such as The Streets Of London and My Liverpool Home — plus the hospice hymn Give Me Oil For My Lamp .
3 From slang to puns to points of conflict , the end result is something like homeboy fashion meets voodoo charm and , back in ‘ 88 , the LA Times gave her a fitting nickname , ‘ East LA 's Ambassador Of Culture ’ .
4 Confidence right the figure in the square brackets next to the T ratio gives you the significance level of the coefficient , right .
5 Tea and biscuits end the afternoon session giving everyone a chance to rest .
6 The money Danica gave my mother was not enough to buy one of the better sorts of bicycle , but it was no good buying a cheap one as it would have to last me for years .
7 Over the years , she 'd kept back a portion , every week , of the money Wakelate gave her to buy food at the market .
8 The Parlour Performers give their services free for charity and Bumpstead branch can recommend them highly .
9 He would n't even take the tablets Alan gave him .
10 So you put in all the hours God gives you .
11 Surprise has been expressed in some quarters that Mr Zilligen has been allowed to stay on the Ferranti board given his key role at ISC during the £215m deception .
12 The look Madeleine gave him would have withered anyone other than her brother .
13 The look Maria gave him was inimical .
14 The look Luke gave her was cautionary as she stirred rebelliously , brilliant lips parting .
15 So there 's the N A positive and the O H negative , so that 's where we get our sodium chloride from and the H positive and the O H mix what does the H positive and the O H give us ?
16 The Kellaway family gave their name to this house and the now tiny hamlet , when they were the lords of the manor in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries .
17 The freedom Storia gives its contributors is its strength and its weakness .
18 Oh , well that the money that I found out my pocket and the payment granny gave me .
19 The individuals had first to establish that the Trusteeship Agreement gave them standing as against the trusteeship territory .
20 If only he had pushed his advantage home the night the Dorking brothers gave their party ( ‘ The Night of the Hundred Cans ' , as it was still known in Wimbledon ) .
21 Strapped for cash , he hurried inside and bartered for sex by handing over the silver watch given him by his sick father .
22 The silver pince-nez gave him the air of a rather unpleasant schoolmaster .
23 He was propped on one elbow beside her , the width of the picnic hamper giving her an illusion of safety from too close an intimacy .
24 Magistrates then asked Elsworth to step into the witness box to give his case and to show justice was done .
25 The Vibram soles gave plenty of grip , wet and dry , and the boots have become comfortable friends for distance walking over reasonable terrain .
26 Only the crest over the entrance door gave it away and that did n't entertain the eye much , either .
27 He handed me a toffee , climbed into his car , beckoned me to sit on the other front seat for a few minutes , and removed the celluloid sidescreen to give us more fresh air .
28 I mean you could use group investments , I mean what you did with the investment trusts gives him a better spread ,
29 On the way home the recorded voice on the car radio gave its weathered , sweet , mellow report of the day 's play .
30 provides opportunities to the programme staff to give their inputs in the decision-making process ;
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