Example sentences of "the [noun] [verb] over a " in BNC.

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1 It is intended that the main part of the investment programme will be completed by next year , with the remainder phased over a further two years .
2 He said : ‘ We always knew we would have to deal with this at some stage — maybe in 20 or 30 years time — but the damage caused over a couple of nights during January and February was much worse than we ever anticipated . ’
3 This must be equal to the integral over the surface were v is the velocity and — the density ; n is the outward normal to the surface S which enclosed V. By Gauss 's theorem we may write and hence Since this must be true for any volume element we have the equation of continuity The conservation of momentum in continuum mechanics relates the rate of change of the momentum integrated over a volume V to the resultant of the forces on that volume .
4 While I would not seek to question the decision of the judges of a number of the awards ( although you may note for the record , however , that there were a lot of eyebrows raised in the trade by the comments on and judging of Helpware magazine , which won both contract title of the year and runner-up to best consumer launch of the year in the 1992 Publishing Awards ) , I would like to question the appropriateness of the chairman of the judges presiding over a ceremony where his own company won the most number of awards .
5 The Duke presided over a county meeting in Lewes in January 1780 , which prepared a petition for ‘ Public Oeconomy ’ .
6 The mark placed over a vowel to show it is a short vowel : fa(v)t .
7 Perhaps had the Ceauşescus ruled over a larger state their megalomania might have been more comfortably contained , but trapped inside little Romania it began to consume the whole nation and to penetrate into every area of life , even its most intimate secrets .
8 What power does the voter have over a local contractor who is one further stage removed from public control and accountability ?
9 The receptionist presided over a small office on the twenty-second floor of the United Nations Building , its unmarked door locked at all times and only accessible to authorized personnel .
10 In Trefusis 's office , the governor presided over a round-table discussion , with Dr Groome , Juliet , a silent official from the Department of Conscription , and an apparently lifeless andrew head to represent Yggdrasil .
11 With advice from the head teacher and the LEA representative , when present , the governors presiding over a case conference will have to be able to evaluate the options put forward , including alternative education outside the mainstream school system , and make a recommendation .
12 The shogun presided over a military administration known as a Bakufu , but there was considerable diffusion of regional power to local warrior-lords .
13 Yet I know of no picture in which the mid-day heat of Midsummer is so admirably expressed ; and were not the eye refreshed by the shade thrown over a great part of the foreground by some young trees , that border the road , and the cool blue of water near it , one would wish , in looking at it , for a parasol , as Fuseli wished for an umbrella when standing before one of Constable 's showers .
14 Egyptian ideas about the creation of the world developed over a considerable period of time .
15 The tunic fitted over a loose linen shirt and was belted snugly by the sash that Riven was coming to see as his own .
16 An appendix to that report on political Union : Law-Making powers and procedures contained a systematic analysis of the important changes which would be made by entry into force of the treaty and compared these with the recommendations made over a number of years in various reports of the Select Committee .
17 Oh Venavae that 's right , yeah and the chap brought over a whole leg of lamb
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