Example sentences of "the [noun] [verb] is [det] " in BNC.

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1 The case considered is that in which a subject is trained to make the same response ( ) to each of two different stimuli , and .
2 The question to whom the omelette and the statue belong is another matter , and Salmond pointed out that the attempts of the older lawyers to transplant the Roman law of specificatio , confusio and the like to our system are of small practical use at the present day .
3 And it did seem to me that in the light of , erm , of the single regeneration budget , on the light of the need to be developing a regeneration strategy for Shropshire , perhaps the role of the County Council in this affair should actually be , er , as , as the local government for the county , should be to look at preparing a , a regeneration strategy for the whole county , at which the work that we do to economic development is one of the pillars of support as is the work that the districts do is another pillar of support , as is the work of the R D C and the objective five programme , and all the various other bodies that are involved in , in economic development and similar activities in .
4 Eventually Nature becomes the designer , and the maintenance required is that sufficient to ensure that the sites remain acceptable to the public .
5 Conditional threats are covered by the section , unless the condition expressed is such as to make it abundantly plain that the person uttering it had no intention of carrying out his threat .
6 Elaine Smith was very warm and moving as Josie Riley who at thirty-eight with the kids grown is all energy for the community and conceives a very requited fancy for Bazz Blacker , the well-meaning social worker downstairs .
7 The frame of reference within which the authors write is that of the linguist .
8 The truth of the object is immaterial , what the sonnet argues is that truth is created by distilling ( transforming ) the youth 's beauty into poetry .
9 What the child learns is that might is right .
10 The important point for the teacher to remember is that local agreement about standards does not in any sense make them absolute .
11 When the decision comes to plant a new church , one of the great joys that initially the team finds is that of intimacy with one another : a true fellowship .
12 The point to make is that light can be thrown on the role of judicial control of government activity by looking at how it operates in relation to particular areas of government activity , and although I will not attempt to do so in any systematic way in this book , the reader would do well to bear this approach in mind .
13 In ( 6 ) , for example , all that is affirmed is possible ownership in the present , while in ( 2 ) the meaning expressed is that ownership is real .
14 According to Jespersen ( 1940 : 158 , 180 ) , see with the bare infinitive denotes " immediate perception " , whereas with the to infinitive the meaning conveyed is that of " inference " or " logical conclusion " .
15 This is not to say , however , that in certain applications , the use of ‘ normal ’ in-rack sprinkler systems is not perfectly satisfactory where the arrangement of sprinklers can be such that a number of them can be brought in early against the fire , or where the nature of the goods stored is such that flames are unlikely to damage them within the first few moments of fire development .
16 When reference is made to older children moving to adoption from public care , the concept used is that of ‘ inclusive ’ adoption or adoption with contact .
17 ( 3 ) Subsection ( 1 ) above shall not apply where the supply of the goods or the doing of the service is contrary to law , or where the service done is such that payment is not legally enforceable .
18 However , what is most apparent generally in the provisions described is that deaf children are unable to interact , do not contribute to class lessons through speech , are subjected to distorted and exaggerated mouthings by teachers and pupils in order to convey specific information ( i.e. not natural language interaction ) and are unlikely to have secure peer group friendships .
19 The stance taken is that child protection work must be relocated within the heart of good practice with children and families .
20 The example used is that of a mathematical rule ; the rule for + 2 .
21 The agreement which the union negotiated is that commercial radio stations must spend not less than 3 per cent of their net advertising revenue on the employment of musicians .
22 For young women in particular , the message conveyed is that of elegance , poise , and perhaps a hint of luxury .
23 The lesson learnt is that simple questions produce simple answers .
24 In practice , as ‘ over-spending ’ authorities lose grant ( see pp. 199–200 ) , the amount distributed is less than this .
25 On the other hand , when the amount produced is such that the demand price is less than the supply price , sellers receive less than is sufficient to make it worth their while to bring goods to market on that scale ; so that those who were just on the margin of doubt as to whether to go on producing are decided not to do so , and there is an active force at work tending to diminish the amount brought forward for sale .
26 The thing to remember is that interest is tax-deductible ( up to certain limits ) and capital is n't .
27 The thing to remember is this : modern tackle , fancy baits and productive waters do not make a carp angler .
28 The poison injected is enough to kill any dog-sized animal , and even fully-grown humans are at risk , suffering intense pain .
29 However , one thing which the book lacks is any guide to further reading .
30 The tone of this is very sad and tender ; the idea portrayed is that of the soldiers finding their friend dead and taking care of him .
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