Example sentences of "the [noun] [be] [be] make " in BNC.

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1 Not too often that a company goes back to a previous vendor after switching , but Hydro Mississauga Ltd of the eponymous Ontario town , is returning to the Hewlett-Packard Co HP 3000 with Mitchell Humphrey & Co financials , after three years of using an IBM Corp 4381 : the change is being made in an effort to save $2m in operating costs and gain performance improvements , dumping the 4381 for an HP 3000 Series 957 running HP MPE/iX ; it says the power of the new machine has enabled it to reduce its operations shifts from three to two and to cut overnight batch processing from 11 to four hours , and one table-loading job was shortened from 14 hours to 20 minutes — and on-line response time is ‘ significantly improved ’ ; it switched from an HP 3000 Series 70 that lacked the capacity needed in 1989 , moving to the 4381 with Dun & Bradstreet Corp software .
2 I would ask of the game 's administrators here in Ulster is — when the money was being made freely available to provide all kinds of sports and leisure facilities here , where was the Ulster Council of the Lawn Tennis Association ? .
3 My Lord , I think the case is being made if I may say so sir , to give the jury the impression that the police just document .
4 Certain decisions may thwart the very purpose for which the decision is being made .
5 The Changeling is being made for BBC 2 's Saturday night Performance series .
6 The Publisher 's appointed representative has the right to be present while the copies are being made .
7 When Jenson continues that the reason why the biblical God is called ‘ Father ’ is that the attempt is being made to get away from sexuality , with which women are more naturally to be associated , we may think that he has given the game away !
8 At the first , there was not much co-operation , but I am glad to say that in October the association announced a scheme similar to that which my hon. Friend suggested — to offer discounts to certain car owners who have security devices fitted when the car is being made in the factory .
9 As Doctor Who swung into production , envious eyes in the Children 's Department studied its apparently lavish costume and set provisions , distinctly convinced that the programme was being made with an inflated budget won at the expense of cutbacks in standard children 's output .
10 The only possible risk is that one or both might change while the deal was being made .
11 His friends have also suggested that he would be willing to sell on a stake in MK Trafford Holdings , the Isle of Man-based company through which the bid is being made , in order to raise cash for the deal .
12 Most dogs will become sleepy and relaxed while the injection is being made and will be completely unconscious before it is completed .
13 The bricks were being made from the soil in the house 's backyard .
14 Exeter had been a committed Lancastrian who had suffered forfeiture of his estates to the crown , so that in effect the endowment of the Greys was being made out of the royal lands .
15 Exeter had been a committed Lancastrian who had suffered forfeiture of his estates to the crown , so that in effect the endowment of the Greys was being made out of the royal lands .
16 The Hard Copy Manager may edit the configuration file to allocate more room in the hard copy directory , or to reduce the minimum fill mark of the volumes , or the manager may reduce the number of charge codes for which the run is being made ; the manager may make both adjustments if necessary .
17 Likewise David Hart , General Secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers , who came up with the poetic gem : ‘ The Council is being made more and more the poodle of centralised government . ’
18 The cushions are being made .
19 In this case , the transfer is being made off a camcorder which is acting as the source-machine ; the record-machine is a VCR which need not be of the same format .
20 He got the strange feeling that the dragon was being made more genuine .
21 What else but that the sound is being made by a ghost … by a haunting . ’
22 All texts contain elements of metacommunication — devices which refer the recipient to a preferred reading of the relational contexts in which the statements are being made .
23 Such details should be supplied at the earliest possible opportunity when the booking is being made , and if arrangements have been made in advance ( either by letter or by telephone ) , they should be confirmed in writing at the point of reception .
24 But as the results of the inquiry were being made public , Mr Clinton spent two hours holding ‘ terrific ’ talks with the president .
25 While the films were being made , they represented the most important work any of them could ever .
26 If you want a printed sleeve for your record , you need them before the discs are being made so that they can be delivered to the pressing plant and bagged up .
27 The changes are being made under the Tobacco Products Labelling ( Safety ) Regulations 1991 , which were laid before Parliament by the Secretary for Health , Mr William Waldegrave , on 11th July .
28 When dealing with an enquiry , the call can be held whilst the enquiry is being made .
29 Additional supplies of the guide are being made available from local area offices .
30 The loan is being made through the International Finance Corporation ( IFC ) , the bank 's private sector arm , which environmentalists accuse of acting as if it were exempt from the Bank 's environmental directions .
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