Example sentences of "the [adv] [adv] [vb pp] of " in BNC.

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1 Trypanosoma brucei is one of the most intensively studied of this group .
2 The total cost of the project is put at £450 million which alone makes fusion by far the most generously funded of all renewable energy sources .
3 As the most intellectually enlightened of the sects , they were on the side of the ruling power .
4 Perhaps the most strongly opposed of all the government 's innovations was its challenge to the National Health Service in February 1989 .
5 In his own lifetime the most vividly remembered of his maternal ancestors was his great-grandfather , Duke William IX ( 1071–1127 ) .
6 A good deal of the extensive baths has been excavated and the city presents the tourist of today with perhaps the most splendidly restored of all Roman remains in Europe . ’
7 It was by far the most laboriously produced of the sequence : there are some five drafts , and thirteen separate typescripts , extant .
8 Enter Ulrich Zwingli ( 1484–1531 ) , one of the most zealously dedicated of all the religious reformers , a man whose opposition to traditional beliefs and practices was so extreme as to make Luther ( with whom he quarrelled ) look mild .
9 The De Brazza is one of the Old World 's largest monkeys , and the most richly coloured of the African forest monkeys known as guenons .
10 Karrass Workshops are the most widely attended of their kind and are held in major cities worldwide .
11 Frankfurters are the most widely known of all the scalded sausages , and many other varieties such as Bockwurst , Knackwurst and Weinerwurst are really the same thing but in different sizes .
12 He was joint editor of the English Historical Review , 1939–58 ; professor of history in the University of Edinburgh from 1945 till his resignation on health grounds in 1954 ; and in 1951–2 Ford 's lecturer in Oxford , delivering the lectures which became probably the most widely known of his books , King George III and the Politicians ( 1953 ) .
13 The most widely spoken of these is Mandarin with about 800m speakers .
14 The most widely publicized of these consequences involved the accumulation of DDT and other organo-chlorides in the food chain .
15 The attempt of the Communist Party to implement Comintern decisions naturally gave rise to the most widely publicized of the movements for some kind of co-operation on the Left .
16 It was obviously important to Scott to have his case well stated in what was the most widely read of London newspapers and particularly after the damaging leader on 6th August .
17 Salmonella is one of the most widely talked of hazards , and one which is most certainly on the increase : between 1983 and 1988 , the number of reports by British laboratories of salmonella infection more than doubled .
18 The most widely sold of the French salami in the UK are the plump , sweet Jesus de Lyon and the Arles , from the gastronomically famed region of that name .
19 The most widely acclaimed of these has been John Rawls 's A Theory of Justice , which was published in 1971 and rapidly assumed the status of a contemporary classic .
20 The most widely used of these tests have been described in a review by Bloomfield .
21 In the UK a study in 1970 found that people were twice as likely to continue with coitus interruptus than with the diaphragm and in 1974 the International Planned Parenthood Federation declared that this time-honoured method ‘ probably remains the most widely used of all on a global scale ’ .
22 It was usually taken , particularly when combined as it often was with the adjective " extraordinary " , as indicating a status superior to that of the resident : it became rapidly in many states during the later seventeenth century the most widely used of all diplomatic titles .
23 At the time of the First World War the Shorthorn was described as the most widely distributed of all the breeds of cattle , both at home and abroad , and it far exceeded other purebreds in Britain while the great majority of commercial crossbreds also relied on Shorthorn blood .
24 One of the long-nosed Chaetodons , its range includes the Red Sea , Australia and Hawaii — making it one of the most widely distributed of all butterflyfish .
25 The Provence seems to have been Miller 's favourite type of rose ; he frequently stressed its outstanding fragrance , an important consideration in the flower garden , and said that by the mid-eighteenth century it had become the most widely propagated of any kind .
26 Eryngium eburneum is the most frequently seen of several similar eryngiums , all of which boast bold clumps of long , narrow evergreen leaves .
27 Alternatively , we might expect the predation- pattern to show a form of apostatic selection ( Clarke , 1962 ) : the dog-whelks choosing the most frequently encountered of the potential prey species .
28 But even the most well known of places is unknown to each traveller new to it .
29 The Parable of the Sower is one of the most well known of all the parables .
30 There is a substantial body of legal precedent in support of this doctrine , the most well known of which is probably the Gray 's Inn Construction case .
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