Example sentences of "the [adv] [adj] [coord] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Argos 's and Sainsbury 's replies were the most thoughtful and in the case of the latter really seemed to believe there was a future in such a project but not in their Homebase , House and Garden centres .
2 Since then only a few have carried the flame in Europe and India , but recently the worldwide growth of homœopathy has started to look again at the LM potencies which Hahnemann describes , in a footnote to 270 as being ‘ the most powerful and at the same time mildest in action i.e. as the most perfected . ’
3 In a sense , this represents the most general and at the same time the most fundamental " principle of individuation " for such items .
4 Yet although attempts were made to assure the British public that telephone-tapping was conducted in the most exceptional and in the most highly controlled circumstances , it was suspected by some that the practice was very different .
5 When , however , the hostilities did begin , for most Frenchmen they ended , ignominiously , with imprisonment by the Japanese while for those in the north who together with their Vietnamese riflemen fought the Japanese with exemplary heroism , dying in beleaguered garrisons or making a fighting retreat to the Chinese border , their fate precipitated the most unpleasant or at least the most unfortunate disagreement between the Allies .
6 It was clear that literature deepened our sense of the import of nationality by giving the most intense and at the same time most manifold expression of it .
7 Old people were the most expendable and in times of famine they committed suicide by walking naked into the snow .
8 With some exceptions the performances during the 1970s were constructed around the psychology of Hamlet , in the 1980s on the political context of the Danish court in which Hamlet was the most significant but by no means only player .
9 By contrast Frances Spalding 's final chapter , ‘ The Modern Face ’ , is surprisingly tentative for such an experienced writer : she obviously contemplates deserting the more endangered of Bloomsbury species the rank amateur as opposed to the merely amateurish but in the end mounts a token defence , and so damns them with faint art history .
10 The research has documented the extremely complex and in some ways confusing technology of electoral administration and the spatial basis by which it is organised .
11 The further down her back the zip runs , the more tangible and at odds with the world is Rachel 's vulnerability .
12 Easily Accessible : Greenrigg Hotel is situated at the foot of the Caldbeck Fells and only a mile from the Cumbrian Way in the more northern and in summer , less crowded area of the Lake District .
13 He also enjoyed luxuriating a little after a meal , and at such moments he seemed all the more benign and at peace even with himself .
14 Well the I have the about eleven and with the I would n't go out of my way them .
15 Fascism appealed both to the classically prejudiced and to those who thought objective social factors a justification for projecting antipathy towards an outgroup .
16 In other words , two forces operate to raise the problems to be discussed : first , the natural desire to avoid awkward , embarrassing , or unmanageable social situations , situations which challenge the perception of the new role ; and second , the almost perverse and in a way contradictory claim to be accepted totally and without reservation .
17 The manner of Biggs 's defeat was to say the least surprising and on this evidence Mason has still a long way to go before he can think of himself as a genuine contender for the world championship .
18 We may no longer need to raise money to build hospitals , but money is certainly needed to support and build hospices for the terminally ill and for those areas of health care that the hard-pressed resources of the National Health Service do not reach .
19 It is still considered necessary to have centres for the active treatment of the mentally disordered and for the long-term care of chronic cases .
20 The right hon. Gentleman will be aware that there has been a steady and substantial increase in resources for all kinds of community care — be it day places for the mentally ill or for those with learning disabilities , or increased resources for home help .
21 Although the numbers are small , there were similar rates of endometriosis in the never pregnant and in the unknown category , low rates in pregnant women and in the 48 months following pregnancy , and then higher rates once again in the remaining groups .
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