Example sentences of "the [pron] [pron] [vb past] it " in BNC.

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1 Simeon 's revolt , like the one which preceded it sixty-six years before , was ruthlessly suppressed , but not before the Holy Land had once again been ravaged .
2 You were the one who said it ought to be eight o'clock .
3 On the rare occasions serious chastisement was called for , he was the one who meted it out , never in anger , always in privacy after deep discussion with the culprit .
4 And he 's the one who sent it .
5 I say that I am the one who brought it .
6 ‘ It was Guido 's arch-rival who he 's beaten into second place twice … he 's the one who took it , and now he 's been arrested . ’
7 ‘ I was the one who saw it first , ’ said Melissa .
8 However , he warned of the threat posed by the secession issue to the future of perestroika , commenting : " We have embarked on this path and I am the one who chose it .
9 Most of the stuff in the trunk was personal trivia , robbed of its meaning in the absence of the one who valued it .
10 Carefully trying to keep all emotion from her voice , in spite of a cold shock that went right through her , she asked , ‘ But you were the one who suggested it .
11 For many years I had the somewhat perverse view that instead of rewarding the salesman who always got the business , we should reward the one who lost it .
12 I should have been the hero of the game but I will always be known as the one who lost it .
13 Well , I was the one who found it . ’
14 Ingrid was the one who found it most awkward .
15 ‘ My , he was , the man who , the one who gave it to me , ’ Martha says .
16 ‘ To give your life to the one who saved it . ’
17 I wanted to be the one who did it , ’ he said .
18 The moment when it enters his or her head , that X was the one who did it , can thus be concealed and brought out only at the very end of the story .
19 She 's the one who did it for money
20 But like , he even said it , he said to me when I was drunk and I , and it pissed me off a little bit actually cos like , he goes to me you know like I I was saying about it and he goes erm well she was the one who wanted it all casual and everything , and I said oh yeah .
21 Andrew Neil of the Sunday Times ( the one she did it with ) : Donald Trelford of the Observer ( the one she did n't do it with ) and Peregrine Worsthorne , former editor of The Sunday Telegraph ( the one who criticised the one she did it with , and who was sued for his criticisms , and lost ) .
22 Andrew Neil of the Sunday Times ( the one she did it with ) : Donald Trelford of the Observer ( the one she did n't do it with ) and Peregrine Worsthorne , former editor of The Sunday Telegraph ( the one who criticised the one she did it with , and who was sued for his criticisms , and lost ) .
23 The one I saw it was the same plain .
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