Example sentences of "in [v-ing] [conj] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Oral tradition played a major part in transmitting and passing down this culture of superstition .
2 At the same time , local government and even more directly administered or corporatist elements of state action at the local level ( DHSS local offices , Manpower Services Commission , Health Authorities ) are , as Goodwin ( 1986 : 3 ) puts it , ‘ important in administering and implementing locally the decisions reached in central government , where weaker and subordinate groups are not dominant ’ .
3 One of them was his habitual slowness , especially in handling and totting up cash ; for , before he took up duties in the foreign exchange department of Lloyds in the semi-basement room at the branch at 20 King William Street ( no wonder that the eyes and back , at the end of the day , turned ‘ upward ’ from the desk ) , he worked for a period behind the counter .
4 This concentration on christology is of the very essence of Barth 's method , but the greatness of his theological achievement lies not simply in the method and form of the whole , but in the way in which he succeeded by this means in re-integrating and casting quite fresh light on all the great leading themes of classical orthodox belief .
5 Much to his credit , the author is even-handed in his criticism of conservative evangelical and ecumenical groups for the rationalisations ( theological and promotional ) which both employ in justifying or covering up non-growth situations ’ ( IRM April 1971:127 ) .
6 Local transport agencies should be asked to consider changes in timetabling or re-routing where this might be to the benefit of staff .
7 Government ministries and departments and state-controlled companies were sometimes more engaged in ‘ turf wars ’ ( ‘ la guerre des administrations ’ ) than in overviewing and collaborating over long-term developments .
8 In living and working together , people develop mutual antagonisms which have to be counteracted by sublimated sexual energy if life and work are to continue .
9 Its range extends from bass to alto but it is most happy in the tenor register , where it is effective in sustaining or filling in the harmony .
10 The client is encouraged , and initially assisted , in developing and carrying out strategies for testing thoughts and beliefs about what might happen , e.g. ‘ If I ask my boss for a raise he 'll sack me or bite my head off . ’ ,
11 Examples of confusion in defining and acquiring exactly the type of management information which is needed for specific tasks and policies emerged from a widely publicized aspect of management in further education in the 1980s .
12 Also its signals would contain a lot less noise , particularly important in measuring and handling very weak signals .
13 Accuracy in measuring and cutting out is essential .
14 Mild temporary disorientation is a common experience in flying and does not normally cause trouble for experienced pilots who learn to disregard the erroneous sensations .
15 But besides this more obvious point , there are subtler connections between voice and body : Cicely Berry observes that ‘ an introverted and thoughtful person often finds more difficulty in speaking and does not carry the thought through into the physical process of making speech ’ .
16 How much time is spent in backtracking and catching up with work ?
17 Clemens Krauss had taught classes in the past but he had left the whole thing in the hands of a Professor Wunderer and a man from the Vienna Philharmonic who was interested in conducting but had n't the slightest idea how to go about it .
18 Donaldson was not , however , quite correct in stating that Burn always followed the Vitruvian principle of waiting to be sought .
19 He completely lost interest in feeding and became very listless .
20 They live their first few months in the river , then migrate downstream to the sea ; they spend two or three years in feeding and growing out at sea , during which they cover thousands of miles ; and when mature , they migrate back to exactly the same river , and same tributary , as they were born in .
21 The most overwhelming support came for the Revenue 's work in deterring and seeking out tax dodgers .
22 In saying that go over , erm obviously I 'm all for that , but in terms of sort of holding on to what they 're doing I just had written down to mention that you know , we did n't have some sort of mechanism to , to share you know
23 In saying that hang on , no , hang on .
24 This is certainly minimalist : in abstracting from stress and alliterative patterning , he loses useful diagnostic devices , and it may well be that higher-level patterning is crucial in determining and explaining how phonological constituents behave metrically .
25 Electronics specialist or not , he regarded himself primarily as a classicist and– indeed , he was totally fluent in reading and writing both Latin and Greek .
26 Teachers should encourage them to develop their personal tastes in reading and to become more independent and reflective .
27 Specialise in collecting and trading underground , hard-to-find manga comic-books like Angel , Uncoloured and Blind Logic .
28 There is more than relief in outrunning or fighting off danger : there is a real pleasure .
29 In the climate of the Third Reich itself , it goes without saying that the barrage of Nazi propaganda could not be without effect in extending and deepening already prevalent anti-Semitic attitudes .
30 This would normally result in overshooting and flying out of the field altogether .
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