Example sentences of "in [v-ing] [verb] [pron] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Unless users are involved in helping to define what it means to work in an empowering way , in the training which enables this to happen and in other ways in the planning , delivery and evaluation of services , it will be another case of users being ‘ done to ’ by professionals .
2 There is no point at all in starting to do something you hate or which you find boring because you will never stick to it .
3 Whereas in America the unions have seen it as an intrusion on their rights to collectively bargain , even though they have n't been very active in trying to organise them themselves .
4 In trying to articulate what she felt so strongly , Clare had forgotten that she was talking to a very sick woman .
5 On the way down I had my camera tied to my waist and it started to drop ; in trying to grab it I lost my balance , got my foot caught in the tree root , took a tumble and twisted my ankle .
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