Example sentences of "in [num] [noun sg] [pron] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Suger devoted many years to rebuilding the great abbey church ( in i style which was later to be hailed as the prototype of Gothic architecture ) to make it a fit royal mausoleum , as well as a place of worship in which mere men could obtain a brief insight into the grandeur that surrounded the king of kings in heaven .
2 The first , though the answer may sometimes be complicated , is much more easy to deal with than the second , because in one case one is dealing with fact and in the other with personal preference and feeling , which are unpredictable and difficult to justify to the determinedly sceptical .
3 In one case it 's a feeling of vague discontent .
4 In both cases the camouflage is interfering with the natural elements , but in one case it is attacking the whole shape , while in the other it is blotting out the appendages .
5 In one case it was able to show that tracks of information were being written too closely together , thus partially erasing each other .
6 In one case it was held that because such disparity would result from the closure by an LEA of the only two single-sex boys ' schools in its area , whilst the authority permitted its two girls ' schools to remain , there was unlawful sex discrimination .
7 For example , in one case it was held that electrical contractors , as such , had no right to complain that a local authority had not followed proper tendering procedures in letting out a contract for the installation of central heating .
8 There are , I believe , two common layouts — in one case there is just one main fuel tank , athwartships and attached to the for'ard bulkhead , with a generator or generators on one side of the engine and batteries on the other , plus a water-tank to port and another to starboard : or there could be a fuel tank on either side with the water-tank up front .
9 In one case there was some tension between a client 's spouse and the support worker because , according to the development officer , ‘ she was trying to take over ’ .
10 In one case there was a unique relationship between a fabric and a stamp-linked group ( Brisbane 1980 ) .
11 A certain formality of tone and style often intruded , however , and in one case there was no indication that the LEA viewed parental contributions as valuable or desirable .
12 For example , in one case there was an important issue concerning the redefining of the catchment area for the school , whilst , in another instance , discussions were continuing on the design of a sports area for evening use by the community .
13 In one case there were two 13-year-old girls , who had been sexually assaulted and left for dead .
14 In one case you are a pupil in the second you are a friend .
15 in one day I is I thought it was a classic .
16 In one minute it was over the target area .
17 In one sentence it was ‘ The objectives of US policy can only be attained by such French action that will satisfy the nationalist aspirations of the peoples of Indo-China ’ .
18 In one sense they are the British equivalent of political advertising on American television ‘ but they differ from such advertising in three very important ways : first , PFB broadcasting is free ( although the parties have to bear at least some of the production costs — indeed , all of the production costs if they wish to use private production facilities ) ; second , the number of PEB broadcasts is fixed by agreement between broadcasters and the parties to reflect ( roughly ) the current popular standing of the parties ( in 1987 Labour , the Liberal-SDP Alliance , and the Conservatives got exactly equal time for PEBs while other parties received very much less ) ; third , the broadcasters have insisted , against the politicians ’ wishes , that PEBs be short programmes typically ten minutes long , rather than high-impact adverts of perhaps twenty or thirty seconds ' duration .
19 By the Wittenbergplatz U-Bahn station there is something which looks like a very large public information notice , which in one sense it is , but which is in fact a memorial .
20 In one sense it is paradoxical to talk of fluidity in tenth- or eleventh-century society .
21 In one sense it is simply a matter of keeping the value far ahead of the cost .
22 In one sense it is fragile , for it has the naivety of a child 's game of ‘ let's play house ’ , with a little patch of ground called ‘ home ’ , set out with sticks and stones .
23 In one sense it is an optimistic phenomenon .
24 In one sense it is the written version of what they constantly hear — two other people talking perhaps , as in this case , arguing .
25 In one sense it is a simplification , but also it is a clarification which is intended to provide understanding and prediction .
26 In one sense it 's very much like good investigative journalism , ’ explains Malcolm Smart , Head of Research at the IS .
27 In one sense it 's part of every man 's dream at some time or other — to make for the country and live off and in nature .
28 In one sense it was an occupation that Joyce had never abandoned , for he had held classes in public speaking for members of the BUF .
29 In one sense it was .
30 I sometimes think , he wrote , that if in one sense I am back in the nursery trying to make a big toy with nothing but wood and string , in another I am back in the classroom fiddling with bunsen burners while Mr Alexander walks round sniffing with his long distinguished nose in the air .
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