Example sentences of "in [det] [noun sg] [adv] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 The volume control is too far back ; this makes quick access a pain and any sudden movements in that direction invariably set your finger(s) on a collision course with the selector switch .
2 The changes in that country also occurred during a period in which education spread rapidly , fertility declined sharply ( with occasional fluctuations ) and family planning knowledge and methods became widely available .
3 The initial biopsy specimens in that patient also passed through the stages seen in our allografts which eventually developed ‘ fibrosing cholestatic hepatitis ’ — namely hepatocytes in rigid cords and later distorted ground glass hepatocytes .
4 But in that case why had he been invited here in the first place ?
5 In that case how did it get into a Peat bog ?
6 The present writer , who in another district also watched him speak , promptly set aside the plan to sleep away from home that night .
7 It is a striking fact that although the court in this case clearly adopted its paternalistic role in deciding how the child 's welfare would best be promoted , the chief emphasis was on the competing rights and responsibilities of parent and local authority rather than those of the child .
8 The artist as critic in this case deliberately avoided the historical context of the pictures she was discussing .
9 The turquoise dress she wore was of the kind of stretch cotton which showed up any figure fault and which in this instance merely demonstrated the perfection of her body .
10 That it was going in this direction anyway had already been signalled by the resignations — often amid recrimination — of every one of Mr Gorbachev 's top economic advisers : notably Stanislav Shatalin ( who gave his name to the rejected ‘ 500-day ’ plan to convert the Soviet economy to capitalism ) and Nikolai Petrakov ( who was the president 's personal economic guru ) .
11 But studies of traditional working-class life in rural Ireland ( from which the Irish-born women in this sample originally came ) and in urban Britain show many similarities .
12 Both retained large peasant populations and in this century both tried to resolve their economic and social failures by resort to fascism .
13 But those in this tradition wildly overestimated the friendliness towards revelation that human reason would feel , once freed from the shackles of a state compulsion to believe .
14 Even though the Prime Minister has not incorporated the provision into the agreement at Maastricht , does he not agree that it is high time that we in this country also took those steps for ourselves ?
15 Organising care in this way also meant that if a task was not allocated to anyone , for whatever reason , it never got done , whether it was necessary or not !
16 The Brut suggests that others who were not rewarded in this way also supported the coup , including the younger Bohun brothers Humphrey and William , together with Ralph de Stafford and William de Clinton .
17 Miscarriages procured in this way often led to death or malformed births .
18 To his surprise Hahnemann discovered that remedies prepared in this way often became more powerful therapeutic agents than the original starting materials — a purely empirical observation .
19 The reflex increase in urine flow that is produced in this circumstance severely tested the resources of the space-suits worn by the early astronauts ! )
20 The maturity evolution curves ( Fig. 6 — right-hand diagram ) illustrate that gas generation in this area probably became effective from late Jurassic to early Cretaceous times .
21 Their success in this area so changed the way British films were perceived that , in 1932 , a year when a large number of exhibitors substantially over-filled their quota , the American showbiz journal Variety reported on ‘ the complete stranglehold the home-made pictures had established at the local box office . ’
22 One said : ‘ Most people in this area always felt there was something a bit odd about him . ’
23 The demographic trends outlined earlier in this chapter also played a part , as the rearing of the 1960s baby-boom children increased the demand for houses with gardens and as falling average household size reduced the population capacity of cities that had only limited sites available for new housing construction .
24 The manometry tracings of spontaneous ileal motility seen in this study closely resembled the in vivo patterns of small bowel motility described by other authors .
25 The pretreatment with a platelet activating factor blocker in this study also prevented the development of morphologic changes in the pancreatic tissue and the increment in plasma amylase concentration .
26 Subjects in this study clearly knew that they were not objectively ‘ at risk ’ , nonetheless , their subjective ratings are consistent with them experiencing similar feelings to those they would have on the road .
27 Kassin , Ellsworth and Smith ( 1989 ) found that 70% of a sample of 63 experts felt that this phenomenon is reliable enough for psychologists to present in court-room testimony — the experts in this study generally had a PhD in psychology and over half of them reported having actually testified about eyewitness testimony .
28 The difference in accident estimates between right and left turns , t(22)=1.89 , p<0.05 , suggests that subjects may indeed have used feelings of risk inappropriately when giving their accident estimates ( alternatively , it is of course possible that the right turns used in this study actually did come from objectively more risky junctions than the left turns ) .
29 Someone in this room once had a geranium on the little sill outside the window , scarlet against the blue of the summer sky .
30 As a far better man than anyone in this House once said , ’ facts are chiels that winna ding ’ , even for Tory Ministers .
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