Example sentences of "in [noun prp] [conj] [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 On July 16 Havel read out a 1968 letter found in Moscow and sent to him by Russian President Boris Yeltsin , inviting Warsaw Pact forces into Prague .
2 On July 16 Havel read out a 1968 letter found in Moscow and sent to him by Russian President Boris Yeltsin , inviting Warsaw Pact forces into Prague .
3 A regimen combining etoposide , adriamycin , and cisplatinum ‘ EAP ’ has been developed in Germany and applied to 145 patients with locally advanced disease .
4 Recently I required a Music Man Silhouette , and even though Derek from Glasgow 's Guitar Store did n't have one in stock , he had one sent from the distributors based in Brighton and delivered to my door in less than 24 hours .
5 A report prepared by head teachers in Cambridgeshire and circulated to all county councillors comments on the impact of the £2 million cut in the county council 's budget .
6 These cattle are illegal immigrants , injected with foot and mouth vaccine in Czechoslovakia and sent to England with falsified papers .
7 For nine years she was a postwoman in Berkshire and used to cycle 18 miles a day .
8 In 435 , as we have already mentioned , Nestorius was removed from his position in Constantinople and exiled to the Egyptian desert .
9 The grain neutral spirit required for the majority of the gin production is now distilled at Cameronbridge in Scotland and transported to Laindon .
10 But if the support for the SNP was , like the Liberal vote , a substantially ‘ cross-class ’ phenomenon it can not so easily be categorised as a flight from ‘ class ’ as pertinent social collectivity , since it must be recognised that the ‘ national distinctiveness ’ of Scotland is overdetermined by the differential balance of classes in Scotland as opposed to England .
11 The opposition parties accused Nabiyev of holding talks in Khodjent and Kulyab with former Vice-President Narzullo Dustov and former Supreme Soviet chair Sarafali Kenjayev , both deposed in May and opposed to co-operating with the opposition .
12 After achieving only 12 per cent in Colorado and less in every other contest , Kerrey cancelled his scheduled appearance in Florida and returned to Washington DC to " reassess " his campaign .
13 ‘ Job-lots ’ of bodies were bought in Ireland and imported to Glasgow labelled ‘ Tea ’ .
14 A long , low , back variant appears 78 per cent of the time in Andersonstown as opposed to 68 per cent of the time in Braniel .
15 Now she wants to cruise the canals of France in a barge , tend to her beloved garden in Kennebunkport and read to her own grandchildren , instead of other people 's .
16 Orlando Azcué Rodriguez was arrested on 5 April 1990 in Havana and brought to trial on 12 October on charges of making ‘ enemy propaganda ’ .
17 And from then on there is superb leather book binding by David Sellers , Angela James , Faith Shannon and John Pearson and in The Book as Art three highly unusual wall-hung creations by Dee Odell-Foster from Bradford on Avon in Wiltshire and referred to as The Trap , Famine and Glimpses of the OK .
18 They range from the impressive Eric Jones-Evans and Alan Tagg collections to a small but exquisite ( and previously unknown ) portrait of Ellen Terry , painted when this legendary actress was at the start of her career in Bristol and presented to the Collection by the artist 's granddaughter .
19 A group of refugees rescued from the war in Bosnia and brought to this country have been inundated with offers of help and accommodation.The six families were rescued by a headmaster , who saw pictures of the war on television and decided that he had to do something to help .
20 Each Jew must imagine that he personally was brought out of bondage in Egypt and taken to the Holy Land .
21 Many other sons of Ayrshire prospered in Australia and contributed to the country 's development but only a few can be mentioned .
22 THE INSPIRALS admit that they , in Clint 's words , ‘ Get niggled by little things ’ on the road , but they 're as likely to go into a discussion about the virtues of meat pies in Dallas as opposed to Houston , as they are to have an out-and-out fight .
23 The Commission also confirmed that there would be no repeat of the row , earlier this year , over the local content of Nissan cars built in Britain and exported to the rest of Europe .
24 A second difference concerns the single union-management channel for handling regulative issues in Britain as opposed to the dual , but clearly differentiated , system in Germany between the works council structure and that provided by the union and employer .
25 According to the agreement concluded between the Ministry of Culture and G.A.N. , however , the Monet painting is to be retained in France and loaned to Musée d'Orsay for a ‘ renewable ’ period of ten years .
26 If a product was made in France and brought to England , there is no importer to sue , but only a French producer .
27 Naturally enough , Sparkle is fitted with a Warwick Collins Tandem keel , cast by Henry Irons in Cornwall and bolted to the mahogany-reinforced bottom of the boat .
28 It is understood the goods are bought in Europe and brought to Northern Ireland in articulated lorries .
29 This practice was very widespread in Kursk as opposed to the Smolensk guberniia .
30 The fate of divorce and abortion in Italy as opposed to Ireland illustrates the point .
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