Example sentences of "in [noun prp] [verb] [vb pp] i " in BNC.

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1 Is the Minister aware that 21 years of casework in Attercliffe have left me wholly admiring of , and grateful to , the South Yorkshire police ?
2 I believe this situation is self-explanatory , so I wo n't bother you with details ; suffice it to say that the best engineers in Germany have convinced me that the weakest point in this chain is your body .
3 My experience in England has led me to the conclusion that most people are unable to see me whole .
4 On the other hand , my journeys in Wiltshire had made me a familiar figure to the police , and I consulted them about evacuating from London a distinguished man , of whose name , I need hardly say , they had never heard .
5 She had brought her son over from South Africa and while staying in Bristol had seen me on the television screen .
6 ‘ One thing these workless weeks in Venice have taught me is that I need my profession .
7 ‘ Locally , both the Teesside TEC voluntary sector group and managing agents in Cleveland have told me what the effects of these blinkered policies will be in the coming year .
8 Conversations I 've had with countless men in Britain have convinced me of it .
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