Example sentences of "in [noun prp] [noun] [verb] not " in BNC.

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1 Doctors at Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre in Los Angeles had not revealed results of their tests last night .
2 Yes we support the principle , but the question about whether or not it should be in Ryedale district has not been erm answered by our members , and indeed it it we consider it should have wait , I mean this is answering something that 'll be discussed at later within this issue , something that should not be er assessed until after the er
3 The Central Railway 's Buenavista terminus in Mexico City did not fulfil the splendid prospect its name implied .
4 Since they have been in Brazil things have not been easy but they have settled in well and are slowly coming to terms with the language .
5 Her differences with other Commonwealth states over economic sanctions in South Africa did not prevent collaboration with them on other issues , notably in maintaining a boycott of cultural and sporting links with South Africa under the Gleneagles agreement , which the British government faithfully observed .
6 The duke 's local supporters in East Anglia appear not only disparate but also relatively insignificant .
7 The duke 's local supporters in East Anglia appear not only disparate but also relatively insignificant .
8 The radical literacy campaign in Burkina Faso does not pretend that the process is a ‘ neutral ’ one .
9 In Galilee Judaism had not even established itself until 120 B.C. and much pre-Judaic thought still survived .
10 In Ajdabiya Zuwaya did not consider the possibility that they might need to sink their differences with the Magharba in order to confront a common enemy .
11 Self-promotion of that sort may be a matter for amused comment , but it is widely accepted that one may choose one 's Place in the pecking order , or try to , and that in Britain parentage does not irreversibly define class .
12 By allowing the NSA to tap the call in Britain GCHQ had not been involved and , since the presence of the NSA in Britain is not officially admitted , the government could claim the interception never happened .
13 If the children in Durham Cathedral do not have a sense of what it would cost them to break the vow of sanctuary they can not have much interest vested in keeping it .
14 Rice grown in Sri Lanka did not in general enter the market economy , although there were local transfers by barter and gift .
15 The printers listed in MS Works do not include KX-P1124i , and using KX-P1124 , the second choice , does not allow all the extra fonts available in the ( i ) model to be used via the software .
16 To speak English verse is the sign of a minimum control over reason and grammar , so that , for similarly mimetic reasons , in Shakespeare drunks do not speak verse ( the barge-scene in Antony and Cleopatra shows some famous men teetering on the verge of prose , and indeed relapsing into it ) , nor do foreigners , nor those with strong British regional accents .
17 This drew the immediate and sincere response ( and it should be noted that the South African Rugby Football union comments published in New Zealand have not attempted to side-step the issue ) from Dr Danie Craven that every player who opposed the All Blacks in their five matches in the republic would be cleared of drugs use .
18 The economic impact of the arts in New York has not however been obvious to the city 's business leaders or to its city government , says William Luers , president of the Metropolitan Museum .
19 The hurried Council in Edinburgh Castle did not , could not , solve many problems — and certainly did not produce any obvious new leadership .
20 Macdonald also remarks a contrario , that " while the cheapness of women 's work as compositors in Edinburgh seems to have attracted a certain class of work from London , the men 's success in keeping up wages in London bookbinding does not seem to have driven bookbinding to the provinces " .
21 Another factor is lower house prices — people in Northern Ireland tend not to have the massive mortgages which crippled so many householders in England .
22 Clearly , the recent bombing campaign in Northern Ireland does not help our attempts to attract inward investment , but all parties in the House , as part of a Northern Ireland team , work together on ways of trying to get more investment .
23 Fortunately for their own consistency , the dimensions of the conflict in Northern Ireland do not encourage such a degree of pragmatic compromise .
24 Their history , the interests of their members and the circumstances of conflict in Northern Ireland do not permit the evolution of Orangeism into something which would still have meaning if it abandoned its evangelical Protestant symbols and stated beliefs .
25 I should like it to be understood that we in Northern Ireland do not expect our tourism promotion to be taken over by Bord Failte .
26 SPECIAL Government powers to arrest and detain terrorist suspects in Northern Ireland do not violate human rights , judges in Strasbourg ruled today .
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