Example sentences of "in [noun prp] [pers pn] were [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Its main interest lay in the reconstruction of the historical evolution of the Indo-European languages which , perhaps because in Germany they were known as ‘ Indo-German ’ , attracted national , if not nationalist , attention in that country .
2 In March they were received as World Champions by an ecstatic crowd after winning the Cricket World Cup for the first time .
3 It was pointed out that all cases were embalmed in USA and now in Australia and yet in GB we were advised not to embalm any body known to have any infection .
4 When Theseus and the other Athenians arrived in Crete they were met by King Minos and his beautiful daughter Ariadne .
5 In February we were shown their drafts , and we did not like what we saw .
6 I was busy cooking , blissing out on the aroma of cod in a yoghurt and fresh coriander sauce , and was n't really listening , but through the vapours there penetrated the fact that in Derbyshire they were queuing up recently to do a route on Raven Tor which is ‘ easy 8a , ’ in order to get into a book which David Jones has assembled on climbers — particularly those who can climb 8a .
7 We have had several rallies within our area , all as popular as ever and at Pat Keen 's East Grinstead Wine & Cheese Evening in May we were graced by the presence of a certain Eastern Lady who performed a most exotic dance .
8 And he asked us to er at that time in May they were looking at what criteria they were going to judge products to award a fair-trade mark to them .
9 In May they were discovered by journalists lying on a blanket by the river Dee on the Queen 's estate at Balmoral .
10 On a Saturday night in July they were woken by two burglars who hit Mr Ross repeatedly on the head and body , tied them both up and demanded the keys of the safe .
11 Of course , in England we were used to er especially at the beginning of the war , we had tea in the afternoon of course , and er when we got there it was dinner at night , with you know , meat and vegetables every night , that sort of thing , so it was quite a surprise .
12 Why , during the 1980s , did juvenile offences such as vandalism and car crime fall in Scotland when in England they were rising so fast ?
13 When Richard was a young man there was reckoned to be a tournament about once a fortnight on the Continent ; in England they were prohibited on the orders of Henry II .
14 ‘ Besides , I assumed since you were here in Copenhagen you were seeking a Copenhagener .
15 Indeed in cases where such companies had a vital stake , as with the British South Africa Union Minière in Zaire they were seen to behave badly at the very point at which their host countries became independent .
16 Vancouver lawyer Rod Holloway , who doubles as coach of British Columbia and assistant coach to Canada 's national squad , warned his players in mid-July they were embarking on what was certain to be a ‘ brutal ’ schedule .
17 At the aerodrome in Holland they were expecting us .
18 Even before the upheavals in Europe they were warning against attempts to subtract environmental aid from development aid .
19 In Leeds , aliens of whatever background were given a B label , whereas in Manchester they were designated grade C. Several tribunals put the unemployed into B category , telling them to apply for a transfer to C when they found jobs .
20 I had suffered from these cramps four years before and in Tokyo they were bothering me from the start .
21 To settle in America they were forced to sign documents stating that they had been persecuted in Russia and were seeking political asylum .
22 In America they were encouraged to do this by over-eager lenders and a scramble to assemble nationwide route-networks after the industry was deregulated in 1978 .
23 The last night in Edinburgh we were approached by a man , a dubious-looking character who turned out soon to be of an unimaginably boring respectability .
24 But in Edinburgh they were opposed by extremely entrenched resistance from a determined group of employers .
25 As their coach , Alex Wyllie , remarked : ‘ When we arrived in Wales we were told Cardiff were no damned good and look how well they played against us .
26 Down in Frome they were preparing for the worst ; on 23 February 1798 a meeting of the ‘ inhabitants of the town and neighbourhood of Frome ’ took place at the George Inn .
27 The spinners — Maru , Cook and Donelan — did most of the damage , and in Tortola we were guided to victory by the calm authority of Fordham who steered us through potentially troubled waters .
28 ‘ For some reason ’ , he says , ‘ students went on hunger strike last May ; in June they were fired on .
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