Example sentences of "in [art] [noun prp] [verb] been " in BNC.

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1 While under Polish rule , the Orthodox hierarchy in the Ukraine had been able to resist the spread of Catholic influence only by adopting many of the methods and some of the ideas characteristic of the Counter-Reformation .
2 " Apparently some of the younger fellows in the Owsla have been giving him a thin time — teasing him about his fur , you know , and saying he only got his place because of the Threarah .
3 They may be interested to learn that snowstorms in the Alps have been known to throw a spanner in the clockwork of everyday life too .
4 Lafontaine 's popularity in the Saarland had been reinforced by successes in tackling regional problems of high unemployment , declining heavy industry , and environmental degradation .
5 The famous palaeolithic paintings found in caves such as that at Lascaux in the Dordogne have been interpreted as evidence that , at least implicitly , people were operating 20,000 or more years ago with teleological intent in terms of past , present , and future .
6 Whereas science had been unstained by cruelty , hands in the Vatican had been steeped in blood .
7 This view is espoused by Myers ( 1986 ) , who believes that deforestation in the Himalaya has been responsible for flood disasters in the lower reaches of the Ganges and Brahmaputra and the higher incidence of flooding that has occurred since 1940 ; apparently flooding now affects some 10 6 ha of land as compared with 6 × 10 6 ha in the early 1950s .
8 A team of Greenpeace activists protesting against French nuclear testing in the Pacific have been arrested by the French navy after entering the 12-mile exclusion zone around the Pacific atoll of Mururoa , where the tests take place .
9 However , there have been times in the recent past when 50 per cent of the artists selling and succeeding in the USA have been British .
10 The state testing programmes in the USA have been described in a survey by the Educational Testing Service ( 1973 ) , which reported that , although there were plans for many states to test a wide range of curriculum areas ( such as human relationships ) , few had developed the test technology sufficiently actually to carry out testing .
11 A : Historically , our sales in the USA have been mainly tableware , very little giftware .
12 One of the factors sustaining the growth of domestic demand in the USA has been the very considerable federal government budget deficit .
13 The concept of an " NHS nursing home " for elderly severely mentally ill people in Newcastle has been described by Fairbairn et al ( 1986 ) , and a " hospice approach " to the treatment of " advanced dementia " within a general hospital in the USA has been described by Volicer et al ( 1986 ) .
14 This is reasonable , as one would expect deaf people in the USA to have been using some sign language before the imported use of FSL .
15 According to Gabathuler , theorists in the West have been too busy chasing Nobel prizes .
16 While women in the West have been fighting for the right to be accepted as builders , train drivers , engineers and scientists .
17 Many people in the West have been asking how it can best jog things along .
18 So tidy minds in the West have been thinking of ways to keep the process under control .
19 Coincident with the attention to reduce noise on the German Speedwing , David Clarke of Windy Kites in the UK had been toying with the concept of a kite with a rigid trailing edge .
20 In addition , Haynes in the UK had been controlling costs through a redundancy programme which had resulted in the loss of seven jobs ( out of 200 ) and exceptional charges of £203,000 .
21 Mr Bell said that contract printing in the UK had been ‘ an absolute disaster ’ .
22 So far some 300 patients in the UK have been successfully treated with the collagen implant by plastic surgeons and dermatologists .
23 A small number of people in the UK have been infected with HIV from blood transfusions .
24 14% of all known people with HIV infections and 5% of all known people with AIDS in the UK have been infected by this route .
25 Since 1982 real incomes in the UK have been growing fast , about 4 — 5 per cent per year , and from 1986 to 1989 unemployment fell .
26 The most explicitly analogous changes to those in the UK have been occurring in Australia with the development of multidisciplinary geriatric assessment teams to assess entry to publicly funded care , the development of the Home and Community Care Act to develop enhanced home care services with additional central government funding and the community options programme , designed to provide co-ordinated care at home for the most vulnerable through case management ( Ozanne , 1990 ; DCS , 1986 ; Graham et al. , 1992 ) .
27 Video rights in the UK have been sold to Pickwick .
28 ‘ The currency fluctuation between the punt and pound sterling , ’ commented Michael Ryder of Easons , ‘ meant that overall , prices of books published in the UK have been 10% lower in the Republic , which has made things difficult .
29 A recent report by stockbrokers UBS Phillips and Drew ( 1992 ) draws attention to this factor , suggesting that actual rates of depreciation of capital in the UK have been well in excess of official assumptions as to rates of depreciation , aided by an overvalued exchange rate .
30 • Sales of Scotch Whisky in the UK have been depressed — falling by almost 6% during 1992 and by 30% since 1979 .
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