Example sentences of "in [noun sg] that [pers pn] have " in BNC.

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1 At the end of each day my pillow was so soaked in saliva that I had to wring it out on the floor . ’
2 My whole understanding of the human world requires that in thought and imagination I am constantly shifting between and responding from different viewpoints , here or there , remembered or anticipated , individual or collective , my own or someone else 's , hypothetical , fictional , or simply indefinite ; it is only in action that I have to settle in a present viewpoint , whether personal ( ‘ I ’ ) or social ( ‘ We ’ ) .
3 The walk meant he would be able to claim in future that he had promenaded on the Promenade des Anglais .
4 Undoubtedly , some of you will be , but there must be one or two people who are actually dreading Christmas er bearing in mind that they 've had to ask somebody whom they do n't really want in their house , or perhaps that person or people have asked themselves , and it 's very difficult to know how to refuse is n't it really ?
5 On that subject , obviously next year , er bearing in mind that we 've agreed as a committee to go for twelve matches on Sundays
6 Your answer will probably be something like this Bearing in mind that we have already allowed for sleeping , eating and formal classes in the full week , the balance represents 4½ working days at 8 hours per day , available for private study .
7 ‘ The freak would do well to keep in mind that we have preserved its existence on the grounds of its intelligence alone . ’
8 The other notable exceptions are ‘ ordinary wear and tear , ordinary leakage and breakage , inherent vice of the subject matter insured ’ — although these are normally expressed as specific exclusions on the face of the Policy , it should be borne in mind that we have these defences at law .
9 It is precisely because of our wish to create the sort of free market and wide community that we have in mind that we have included , at our insistence and with the agreement of other colleagues , a declaration in the presidency conclusions about the future enlargement of the Community .
10 You will bear in mind that we have closed three homes during the course of this year , and we always planned to do that in phased fashion , therefore , the equivalent number of beds available within the current year is the seven hundred and seventy five that 's shown there .
11 Yes , but I mean I know you 've er lived in the area , er so erm , perhaps I should invite Mr Walker or Mr Diffin to make a if you look , wish to bear in mind that we have seen the plans
12 It is important to bear in mind that he/she has a defined social position in the local community , which in turn gives rise to a varying social role in relation to the interviewees .
13 ‘ So far everything that we 've done we 've done keeping in mind that it has to be played live .
14 Argument has been addressed to me as to how that sum should fall to be represented in the damages awarded , bearing in mind that it has been substantially discharged by an interim payment and that it will not inure to any log term benefit of the plaintiff .
15 And that , Erika thought , was a curious remark for Karl to make , bearing in mind that he had lived a lie for many years but , glancing at her parents , and they not batting an eyelash , she kept quiet .
16 Now what happened , and it was a good procedure because what happened was that if anyone say on a Friday had found himself in a difficult situation , we would then discuss it on the Monday afternoon , er bearing in mind that he had taken it to the foreman and had got no response from the foreman , we could discuss it on a Monday afternoon , the convenor and the secretary would deal with it the following day , and in all probability , without having recourse to take it any further , reply to the man that the matter had been resolved and , and to his liking .
17 But before you go rushing off to the river to catch a netful of chub , bear in mind that I have said only that chub are easy to catch compared to most other species .
18 ‘ Just you bear in mind that you 've got me now , Kate , and you 'll have me for as long as you want me .
19 bearing in mind that you 've
20 How will you deal with the situation , bearing in mind that you have some expectations from aunty ?
21 It means in effect that they had a quasi-sensuous way of seeing abstractions .
22 " Pre-suppose " means in effect that you have already supposed or claimed this without needing to write it down .
23 And the context in which this was er argued er was er the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba , a C I A American supported invasion , er which er failed very badly but which certainly indicated the American desire to get rid of Castro and er Khrushchev was asserting in effect that he had as much right to defend an ally as the United States had er to defend erm its allies and in the same sort of way .
24 And the context in which this was er argued er was er the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba , a C I A American supported invasion , er which er failed very badly but which certainly indicated the American desire to get rid of Castro and er Khrushchev was asserting in effect that he had as much right to defend an ally as the United States had er to defend erm its allies and in the same sort of way .
25 But there was no doubt in law that he had done so — and that he had done so for ever .
26 When I said in Committee that we had no intention of establishing a funding council in April 1993 , I was asked to provide power to enable a future Secretary of State to do so .
27 I said in Committee that I had an open mind on the matter .
28 I want to say in conclusion that it has as many consequences for the devout Evangelical as it does for the hardened Catholic .
29 When St Paul told the Christians in Philippi that he had learnt to be content , he did n't mean that he was smug ; it did n't mean that he had been well fed and could put his feet up .
30 Drugged again , they regained consciousness outside the valley in anguish that it had all been a dream .
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