Example sentences of "in [noun sg] for [noun pl] to " in BNC.

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1 Work in progress for items to be taken into finished stocks should be included in the review of finished stock levels .
2 A student who offered shopowners immunity from the activities of ragweek in return for donations to charity was held by the trial judge not to have used menaces .
3 But in 1766 he came to the notice of Peter Beckford [ q.v. ] , then travelling in Italy , who , in return for payments to the father , brought the boy to live at his home in Stapleton Iwerne , Dorset , for seven years .
4 The government refused the paramilitaries the political status which they requested , and offered them the same terms as those given to surrendering drug traffickers : a reduction of prison sentences in return for confessions to crimes .
5 He was remanded in custody for enquiries to be made if he could be sent to a probation hostel .
6 Mr Cocksedge was treated in hospital for burns to his hands and face , but he later discharged himself so he could help clear up .
7 Those slightly better off could organize an annual requiem for past guild members at All Souls ' — 2 November — or on the occasion of the anniversary of the death of their main benefactor , and it was quite in order for bequests to be made to the guild in addition to the contributions given to it during one 's lifetime .
8 Lithuania 's Supreme Council ( parliament ) on June 29 voted to suspend for 100 days its March 11 declaration of independence in order for negotiations to be held with the Soviet authorities on Lithuania 's future status .
9 In order for individuals to be interested in their community they have to feel they have a say .
10 In order for markets to be allocatively efficient , prices must correctly reflect the opportunity costs of goods .
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