Example sentences of "in [noun sg] because [pers pn] have " in BNC.

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1 They point out that nursery rhymes are not nursery rhymes for nothing ; it could be that the genuine Turkish nursery rhyme is intrinsically more memorable than the nonsense rhyme ; nursery rhymes , after all , catch on in part because they have an innately pleasing rhythm .
2 The NMA argued from the outset for a negotiated settlement , in part because of a fear that intransigence might lead to total defeat and in part because it had little money with which to fight the strike following the run-down of its funds during the 1921 lockout .
3 Commercial banks have generally been able to provide the finance necessary to support the huge increase in investment because they have collected substantial deposits from savers .
4 I listened but if it 's of no evidential value there is no point in listening because I 've got so much on my mind at that time erm to sort out that threat in there that I certainly ca n't recall what was exactly said or even along the lines of what was said .
5 He clashed with the former Labour MP on air , arguing the bombing was ‘ justified ’ in law because it had been ‘ reasonable in all the circumstances ’ .
6 I am sorry that the hon. Gentleman was not able to join us in Committee because I have enjoyed his contributions in previous Committees of which he has been a member .
7 Dogs are polymorphic in appearance because they have been made to look different by selective breeding controlled by their human masters .
8 I mean , I 'm saying that with tongue in cheek because they 've got to come to our place .
9 As a mature student I found it difficult at first to work on my own or in groups but now that the course is settling down , I feel that I will be able to tackle most tasks in business because we have had to learn to look for information and assimilate it so that we make it work for us .
10 I remember being given some caviar once when we were in Russia — wrapped in newspaper because they had no containers to put it in !
11 As a result erm changes in demand are gon na be er fairly unresponsive to changes in price because you 've got to use textiles in order to make clothes and everything else that you make textiles with .
12 By the middle of 1924 the Agitprop section of the Smolgubkom was openly declaring that both shefstvo and smychka were a farce in actuality because they had deteriorated into mass weekend outings to the countryside in search of illicit stills .
13 Here were editions esteemed as being the first , and there stood scarcely less regarded as being the last and the best ; here was a book valued because it had the author 's final improvements , and there is another which ( strange to tell ! ) was in request because it had them not .
14 I 'm gon na get in trouble because you 've been shouting away
15 I knew all about it in theory because I had a young Bhabi and she used to tell her friends about her experiences and I used to overhear ( laughs ) .
16 It 's in writing because it 's got to be identified by somebody and your not around to say .
17 Erm , I 'm in favour because I had a walkabout with therefore I would like to say on five point three the and on five point six I would like to say B can we just have some traffic calming on the boundary , such as Lane , Road ?
18 A man stays in line because he has been taught that it is wrong not to .
19 They are frequently put in seclusion because they have mutilated themselves — a cruel and inappropriate response to terrible acts of self-harm .
20 That 's why I think people got in debt because they 'd been having things that they could n't afford , I mean er , at one time you was never encouraged to ha er have things , now I mean the minute they see you 're getting low on your , oh have something else , have something else
21 ‘ Objectivity ’ , then , is more possible in English because it has a highly developed form of writing .
22 He remembered sitting in silence with his grandmother as evening drew on ( ‘ always in darkness because she had the idea that light was expensive ’ ) while she occasionally read out a headline from the newspaper .
23 He was an only child who had learned to read at three and quickly began giving characters to the numbers in arithmetic because he had no one to play with .
24 Curtis faced a maximum sentence of 14 years in prison because he had been growing Psilocybe cubensis , or ‘ magic mushrooms ’ as they were called in court .
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