Example sentences of "in [Wh det] you have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 If possible , the cases you attend should be those in which you have contrived to read the papers beforehand : the educational value of hearing them is then much greater .
2 For all you can tell , it is relevantly similar to situations in which you have made mistakes .
3 You should look , too , at the circumstances in the past in which you have achieved some modicum of success , and analyse why this occurred .
4 We pray for the communities in which you have placed us .
5 You will need the who-dun-it tug more than in some other forms of crime fiction , and the murder situation in which you have involved the hero of your comic novel ought to be a serious one , otherwise the whole enterprise will seem merely frivolous an you will risk readers dropping out .
6 Make sure that all the question numbers on the front of the paper correspond with the questions that you have answered , and appear in the order in which you have answered them .
7 You know nothing of the world in which you have come to live , and I should have warned you about Rose , only I did not know that you were going out with her until after you had gone , and then , of course , it was too late . ’
8 If he can not do this quickly — either because you have not told him what questions you have answered , or because you have indicated them in an order that is not that in which you have attempted them — he is likely to be mildly annoyed .
9 I am grateful to you for your prayers , fellowship , cards , letters , flowers and the many practical ways in which you have surrounded me with God 's love .
10 ( a ) in saying ‘ Something appears white ’ you are making certain assumptions about language ; you are assuming , for example , that the word ‘ white ’ , or the phrase ‘ appears white ’ , is being used in the way in which you have used it on other occasions , or in the way in which other people have used it .
11 An exception is made if the country in which you have taken up residency has a double tax agreement with the UK ( see below ) .
12 ‘ I 'm not interested in what you 've done in the past .
13 with your background in sales and in what you 've done er with your hands as well , I would put you in estate agents .
14 ‘ Oh , Judy , there 's a wonderful idea in what you 've said .
15 spoken with Mick since our conference and we will further discuss the matter , I do n't envisage any great problem in what you 've said .
16 And we 're back to this thing that if you 're not interested in what you 've written , why do you think anybody else ought to be ?
17 You see , ’ he said , as Peggy put her hand in his , ‘ I 'm very interested in what you 've told me about someone stealing bulbs .
18 Cos it 's not actually working algebraic that calculator at the present moment I do n't know what you 've got it programmed in What you 've got it at but it 's not working algebraic .
19 That 's right , I just , I always say to them you 're welcome to come in and have a coffee you know , I do n't really , I 've got me own views , I 'm not really interested in what you 've got to tell me , I know all about it , but you know you 're welcome to come in
20 ‘ There is a great deal to take in in what you have said , too much to be done all in a moment .
21 conservative administration will change the budget , obviously , you have highlighted in what you have said before , that the main crunch will come at the next Policy Committee .
22 Only the the congratulations are implicit it seems to me in what you have said to the Labour Group for finding a way out of the problems that you had created .
23 There may well have been some particularly sensitive elements in what you have thought about .
24 It is possible that the question you are asking is different from the sorts of discussion you have encountered in what you have read on the subject .
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