Example sentences of "in [Wh det] [pers pn] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Asking why , were told the Standard had written a story on ‘ a dominatrix club I 'm a member of ’ , in which they 'd described the Penthouse Pet as ‘ plump ’ .
2 They wo n't want to play next week , and the following week comes the home match against Wakefield , in which they had hoped to celebrate promotion to National Division One .
3 Both single people and married couples may feel a sense of frustration as the years in which they had planned to be more free to go out and about , and less restricted financially , are circumscribed by the demands of caring .
4 On 18th , January 1912 , Captain Robert Falcon Scott , and his colleagues , reached the South Pole to find that Amundsen had reached there before them , and the whole party perished in appalling weather on their return journey to their ship Terra Nova , in which they had sailed from England in 1910 .
5 Chaplin and Keaton came into movies from a vaudeville background in which they had seen poverty and experienced it for themselves .
6 The significance of removal of the dead from the communities in which they had lived should not be underestimated .
7 The hovel in which they had lived was vacated in 1930 .
8 Moreover , its existence was completely at odds with the national trend for community care , since patients who were referred were brought to a location quite remote from the area in which they had lived .
9 To improve the quality of information obtained at interview , a form asking parents to list the places in which they had lived and the jobs they had had was sent out in advance of the interview .
10 After frustrating years in which they had covered acres of print discussing the sociological theory and implications of newspaper readership , they wanted to compete in the more popular market .
11 There were no jobs for young people in rural areas ; rising property prices meant that they were unable to find housing in the villages in which they had grown up .
12 Afterwards she helped to clear the table and to carry the pots through into a lean-to kitchen , the room in which they had eaten being the best parlour .
13 The financial rationale of the great companies had been the way in which they had enabled a generation of investors , most of whom were substantial , to become merchants by proxy .
14 In the past strategy was dictated by head office while divisions and international businesses were left to implement actions in which they had played little or no part in developing .
15 The investigators reported from a previous publication in which they had compared these thirteen subjects with twenty-nine borderline schizophrenics , thirty-four neurotics and twenty-three high-risk subjects with no mental illness .
16 At Stoke Poges as elsewhere , ‘ the rude forefathers of the hamlet ’ had slept beside their ancestors in the shadow of the church in which they had worshipped .
17 There is no doubt that subjects in this study were more likely to recall the situations in which they had experienced risk .
18 Study 1 demonstrated that drivers were substantially more likely to recall those situations in which they had experienced risk .
19 There was a posy of pale spring flowers wrapped in damp newspaper to keep them fresh , a bag of potatoes tied with bristly twine , six eggs in a carton , carrots unearthed from the sandheap in which they had lain stored against invasion of the wire-worm , and a selection of dessert apples , no mere windfalls but blemish-free bests , each polished to a rosy sheen by Loopy Lil .
20 Sir George obligingly moved the light across to the desk , restoring the little faces to the dark in which they had lain .
21 On arrival they found some of the bones still intact in the side of the hole so enabling them to place the bones in the exact Position in which they had lain .
22 A list had already been published ( on April 1 ) of the 22 worst " abusers " of the House bank , those who had run account deficits which exceeded their next month 's pay for 20 per cent of the months in which they had held an account at the bank .
23 The exact way in which they had failed to comply with the regulations is unclear ; a representative of the Education Authority told me that the school has re-opened on a ‘ technicality ’ , because the School Council had not been consulted before the closure ; people in Village told me that the Education Authority had not consulted anyone in the community before-hand , a bigger breach of the regulations .
24 The movies had created a false world and what was taken as the ultimate proof of that was the way in which they had failed to deal directly with real Americans and their dilemmas .
25 He ventured to suggest that there was nothing in the manner in which they had brought the concern into its active and productive state of working , which ought to subject them to such new and vexatious problems .
26 The form in which they had found him lying was but one of many places which he used .
27 It was as if the train journey itself , the old-fashioned intimate compartment in which they had found themselves , the freedom from interruptions and the tyranny of the telephone , the sense of time visibly flying , annihilated under the pounding wheels , not to be accounted for , had released both of them from a carefulness which had become so much a part of living that they were no longer aware of its weight until they let it slip from their shoulders .
28 When the archbishop of Canterbury came before the pope for his pallium , the canons of York entangled the Canterbury monks in questions about the precise state in which they had found the privileges — whether they had seals attached to them , and so on .
29 Duncan had asked , when Myeloski told him of the strange situation in which they had found Leeming .
30 They were also asked to describe the major characteristics of the groups in which they had found themselves at each point in their time on the terraces .
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