Example sentences of "in [pos pn] good [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Prompt at four o'clock , Dr Neil , complainingly dressed in his best suit at Matey 's request — ‘ Do I have to ? ’ he had said , rolling his eyes at McAllister — Matey in a bottle-green velvet gown which McAllister had not seen before , McAllister in her best sateen skirt , white blouse , and small lacy cap with streamers , were all sitting in the parlour when the doorbell rang .
2 He did n't recognise Aspel until the red book was produced from the wide sleeves of his costume and in his best mandarin accent he said , ‘ Paul Daniels — This Is Your Rife . ’
3 The priest leaned forward , in his best confessional manner .
4 Ferguson then set Hughes the task of turning in his best goal haul during his time at United .
5 And in his best quarterdeck manner , the King impressed on the three party leaders that before they left the palace there should be a communique to end speculation at home and abroad .
6 There were occasions when he became " guest editor " of the paper , as for example in August 1940 , and he often wrote leaders in his best Criterion style on subjects such as " Portugal " or " The Channel Islands " .
7 Up the slope , at the top of his semi-circular steps , Alexander Menzies was waiting for them in his best silk coat like a dandy at a ball , with a straightfaced young man standing by his side .
8 Michael O'Neil knows what the score is now better than any of us here , and if I know Michael , he 'll be arguing with St Peter at the gate and be telling him in his best Superintendent manner that celestial security is not what it was - if they let people like him in ! ’
9 If your MP solicits your vote , say in your best Godfather voice : ‘ Why do you come to me now ? ’
10 How might your boss react if you turned up to work in your best disco gear ?
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