Example sentences of "in [pos pn] [noun] [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 For this alone , I may find it in my heart to forgive her .
2 ‘ Allow me to sit back in amazement , young Ashley , ’ I said , crossing my arms and twisting in my seat to face her .
3 She considered approaching him and asking if it might be possible for them to spend more time together , but the difference of nine years in their age put her in awe of him still , and she decided it was not her place to make such suggestions .
4 Nobody in their senses'ud blame her .
5 Soon other macaques in her troop imitated her and the habit became more widespread .
6 She fell asleep at last , but in no time at all the pain in her back wakened her again ; insistent , demanding .
7 A tiny remote voice in her brain told her she was crazy , that this whole thing was crazy , but it was instantly silenced , reason standing no chance against the far stronger forces of sheer need .
8 In the last second before the knifing pain in her chest forced her to breath in water she found the dangling mouthpiece , and pushed it back between her teeth .
9 There was a funny kind of tightness in her chest preventing her from breathing properly .
10 He toyed with the idea of creating a little angst in her life to slow her down .
11 That someone who had nothing at all to do with her life should have had a hand in removing her father 's last trace in her life infuriated her .
12 Perhaps Dorothy had been shielded too much , and again in her marriage she had been protected , so that there had been nothing in her life to prepare her for what was happening now .
13 Realising that it is far too late in her life to expect her to do more than make an effort to modify this trait in her character , you should see if you can direct it away from the home .
14 Desiree Ntolo built it in her garden to remind her of Africa .
15 The sharp sensation in her midriff shocked her by its intensity .
16 When she got to her feet there was no strength in her legs to hold her .
17 All those in her class liked her .
18 He stuffed a towel in her mouth to gag her and pulled her top and bra off .
19 The sour taste in her mouth made her retch a couple of times , and after a moment , she got up and walked out of her office to the coffee machine .
20 Married kid , torn stump of a ticket for the local Oddfellows ' hop , letter in her bag threatening her if she does n't leave another bloke alone .
21 Lucenzo turned away , and the tension miraculously left , though the warmth stayed in her body to remind her .
22 The girl 's voice in her ear startled her ; it was so clear and so close .
23 I woke up a few times and got Mum out of bed all bleary-eyed and irritable in her nightie telling her a bogey-man was after me .
24 Carrie reached for her coat , her heart still pounding in her chest and a tightening sensation in her throat causing her to gulp .
25 The sense of effort in his conversation staggered her , and she watched him with pity , for he laboured as though he were to try to write a sonnet , and all the while the conversation was predestined , unnecessary , a mere coin of payment .
26 Something in his tone put her on her guard .
27 The touch of humour in his tone encouraged her a little .
28 The smug self-satisfaction in his tone jolted her back to something resembling consciousness .
29 Something in his voice made her look up at him .
30 ‘ I was half inclined to believe you last night until I received these this morning , ’ he said , and the hidden violence in his voice made her go cold .
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