Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [conj] i have " in BNC.

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1 At the end of each day my pillow was so soaked in saliva that I had to wring it out on the floor . ’
2 I do n't know yet , I just said to Christy what time will you be in in the morning I do n't have time yet , in case if I have I can ask you .
3 Erm Well I 'm a trained teacher but er I did n't get much experience in teaching although I had obtained my degree in teaching in nineteen fifty-eight .
4 My whole understanding of the human world requires that in thought and imagination I am constantly shifting between and responding from different viewpoints , here or there , remembered or anticipated , individual or collective , my own or someone else 's , hypothetical , fictional , or simply indefinite ; it is only in action that I have to settle in a present viewpoint , whether personal ( ‘ I ’ ) or social ( ‘ We ’ ) .
5 I 've seen the laws in action and I have n't been too impressed .
6 ‘ I 'm no use to anyone in football and I had better get out , ’ he said .
7 ‘ If you keep to your promise — to behave yourself in future when I have guests — then I shall try to keep to my promise .
8 But before you go rushing off to the river to catch a netful of chub , bear in mind that I have said only that chub are easy to catch compared to most other species .
9 I listened but if it 's of no evidential value there is no point in listening because I 've got so much on my mind at that time erm to sort out that threat in there that I certainly ca n't recall what was exactly said or even along the lines of what was said .
10 I am living here with Arab people in peace and I have some friends among them .
11 I said in Committee that I had an open mind on the matter .
12 I am sorry that the hon. Gentleman was not able to join us in Committee because I have enjoyed his contributions in previous Committees of which he has been a member .
13 It took 2 years to put it in place but I 've had 26 birds on the place .
14 I also run a contrast colour tacking stitch around the outline for a sewing guide and I leave this in place until I have re-hung the sweater on the knitting machine to attach the neck band .
15 Painting a in half-an-hour and I have n't got any history chemistry .
16 This process begins in infancy as I have indicated earlier in the paper .
17 ‘ Even Husak has spent many more years in jail than I have , ’ he said .
18 I think Alwin and Pat use an auditor cos as you know he 's in business and I 've got a feeling that Alwin was asking me about the auditors the other day , so whether there 's would be , whoever he is , would be er willing to do it , I do n't know .
19 Bu but half off and half in at in moment cos I 've taken the time off but there 's lots of problems , like half the team 's gone off sick with pleurisy , tonsillitis and everything
20 It lasted three days in court and I had to do night duties and then , finishing between 12 and 2 a.m. , going on nights again , going off early , going to court .
21 I saw the video in court and I have played it again er since this case was adjourned in November .
22 If my son and my daughter have n't taken up the same interest in art that I have , I see no reason that they should have , and I see no reason to tell them they ought to study this or they ought to do that .
23 and it 'll flow out , okay , now we know that 's the difference in colour and I 've already told you that the arteries have got muscles in their walls , what 's the difference in between the wall of the muscle , muscular wall , let's put my teeth back in , the muscular wall of the artery and the wall of the vein ?
24 Well because it 's darkish in colour and I 'd rather promised myself that if I have anything new now it 'll be of a brighter colour .
25 I knew all about it in theory because I had a young Bhabi and she used to tell her friends about her experiences and I used to overhear ( laughs ) .
26 Erm , I 'm in favour because I had a walkabout with therefore I would like to say on five point three the and on five point six I would like to say B can we just have some traffic calming on the boundary , such as Lane , Road ?
27 Thank you to the person who arrived unknowingly on my doorstep and gave me a really sympathetic cuddle while I cried for 10 minutes ( ? ) in relief that I had misunderstood the doctor .
28 But , by and large , and Wanda was an exception , all the things in life that I 've most enjoyed have been the things that I 've been paid really very little for , and most of the things that I 've been paid most for have been the least interesting .
29 At about half past eleven I had a telephone call — I was in bed but I have an extension in my room for emergencies .
30 An interest in music that I had rather forgotten about until the thought of Millie in the lane reminded me .
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