Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [prep] [adv] [be] " in BNC.

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1 BOGOTA ( Reuter ) — The Colombian government said it had rejected an offer last year from drug traffickers to give up the drug trade in exchange for not being extradited to the US , and firmly ruled out any dialogue with the traffickers .
2 One of them , an ageing villain named Alfred Mathews , was subsequently found and arrested , and in exchange for not being prosecuted , agreed to turn Queen 's evidence and name his accomplices : David Cooper , Michael McMahon and Patrick Murphy , all petty thieves from the East End but with no record of violence .
3 The pressure to please must have been especially strong for women writers who , if they wrote novels of ideas , were in danger of either being rejected as over-cerebral or having the intellectual content of their work ignored .
4 The Italian Classic , due to have been played next month , has been moved from its original slot and is in danger of not been played at all .
5 The most important thing is that you 're in danger of not being able to ask the nasty questions because the family are all so lovely and you get on so well with them and do n't want to ask impertinent questions . ’
6 Second in importance until recently was the process of redefinition .
7 Labour supporters must be in despair at not being able to race away from the Tories in the run up to the election .
8 TL was laughably uncomplicated , but , in spite of not being specially designed , it had the splendid advantage of being readily available .
9 In spite of not being able to find support for an affirmative answer to the question , ‘ Are there logical conditions of something 's looking blue to someone ? ’ in what Wittgenstein says , and not accepting what would be Mill 's reason for an affirmative answer , I think an affirmative answer is the right answer .
10 Within the major firms this stock has been rising in some cases at over 20% per annum , and has proved to be a very good investment in spite of not being on the market .
11 For instance , it is recorded that one woman , Joan of Sprotborough , fell into a millpool and in spite of not being rescued for an hour was then revived by prayer and by being " measured for a candle " .
12 — ( in answer to How are you getting on with those jobs I asked you to do ? )
13 The same principles as discussed above apply in relation to when is the optimum time for lodging such a Tender .
14 It 's very interesting that , that you , you mention that , as most people do n't yet got their copy of the date Yellow Pages , it was an away from home and I , I was n't , and it was in fact in today 's Yellow Pages an article by David Mason on Richard Lacey 's new book which he 's , seems to be selling at twelve ninety-nine a copy , which , which he says makes hardly any mention of the A B Os , and there 's a comment here from Linda Allen , Undersecretary and basically it 's all very negative , we do n't like this and we do n't like that .
15 Raper was not involved and threw the ashtray in annoyance at not being able to explain this to the landlord , said Mr Pacitto .
16 The most junior teachers in both Solihull and Oxfordshire were in agreement in generally being positive towards most aspects of SSE .
17 The people who are now in power over there are the people we were trying to keep out . ’
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