Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [prep] [art] long " in BNC.

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1 The children who were in Pindown for the longest periods could receive more than £50,000 .
2 A discrete block of land may have been in existence for a long time before it was first described in a written document .
3 The first 4 of these have been in existence for a long time .
4 Thus , if the goal is for your dog to eat in the car rather than the kitchen , in preparation for a long journey , move its dish a few inches a day towards the car , and then into the car .
5 In preparation for a long stay , I had several suitcases , a packing case , a cabin trunk , my portable gramophone and records , all my medical equipment .
6 Ben , whistling happily , serviced his car in preparation for the long drive North .
7 Where possible the ore , as has been mentioned , was hand dressed in preparation for the long journey to Keswick .
8 Surely the threat of a custodial sentence would be a stronger deterrent — as it was before 1988 — in addition to the longer sentences for which the Bill provides .
9 Premises at East Tullos in Aberdeen are being extended and upgraded at a cost of £0 5 million in support of a long term logistics partnering contract awarded by Enterprise Oil during the year .
10 It was built in brick over a long period ; the east end dates from the ninth century and the west from the tenth and eleventh while the vaults are mainly twelfth century .
11 She realized then that the coffin lid had simply been lifted off , letting in light from a long strip-light that hung from a plain rock ceiling .
12 well those people have them in stock for a long time
13 If I go out in search of a long white zip , I end up having to make do with a short blue one .
14 In the summer the scene as the sun slowly sank , gave reflections in pink from the long river bank .
15 The principle of inverse irreversibility is often known by its more colloquial sobriquet as the ‘ Idiot child principle ’ , in deference to the long observed tendency of mothers to love best their least-promising offspring .
16 If this happens , your job could still be just as much in jeopardy in the long run as that of an employee who has clearly and inexcusably committed an offence .
17 When the Home Secretary talked of the need for the Government to give a lead in tackling racial disadvantage he therefore saw this as in issue for the longer term .
18 The directors are accordingly not obliged to maximise current profits in order to satisfy short-term demands for dividends at the expense of a growth in profitability over a longer period .
19 Hold it in place with a longer spirit level ( if you have one ) to check it for horizontal .
20 Many tournaments ( as you emphasised ) , have been in place for a long time and often with the same people running them for decades .
21 Privately , senior party members claim women do not put themselves forward , are not up to the job and stress that most male MPs have been in place for a long time .
22 When releasing barn owls that have been in captivity for a long time , we keep them confined to the barn until we 're sure that they are going to adapt happily to their new surrounding . ( )
23 Her daughter Jessica wrote a letter to the New York court saying : ‘ Please make Amy Fisher stay in jail for a long time so she ca n't hurt my mom again . ’
24 So if you were on night duty , it was n't much use getting off early and going to bed for a couple of hours and then going to court — you might be engaged in court for a long time .
25 She 's been in agony with a long term back disorder .
26 In economic life , in spite of a long series of efforts , little was achieved .
27 This was in spite of a longer mean time till exclusion or end of follow up for the adenoidectomy cases .
28 Occasionally , in spite of the long time which has gone by without so much as a cuddle , you have a dreadful day and you just do not feel in the mood .
29 In spite of the long hours and sense of being almost constantly on call it was n't all work at Howard .
30 That 's how I was taught you see and so in spite of the long lapse of years there 's still a tremendous amount up there because it was , it was properly learnt , you learn something thoroughly
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