Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [noun] [prep] more " in BNC.

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1 Expression was low or absent in cell lines of more primitive phenotype like the promyelocytic line HL60 and those with erythroid features such as the erythroleukaemic line K562 .
2 It may be a preliminary to higher levels of spending or may be simply a shift in portfolio preferences towards more liquid forms of wealth .
3 In 19 cases rises in household bills of more than 30% were suggested by IPF figures , and here the swing to Labour was 3.1% compared to 3.7% in authorities where the average increases were less .
4 The GT40 is one of a growing number of classic car copies sold in kit form by more than 130 companies .
5 In the year to March they resulted in job losses of more than 110,000 .
6 Tributyltin ( TBT ) , the most toxic chemical to be introduced deliberately into the environment , has been found in surface seawater at more than 10 times the concentrations known to harm marine life .
7 BBC Pebble Mill studios on Friday 27 September will be hosting an in depth look at more recent black participation , behind the scenes in television .
8 The latest cuts in public sector support follow a steady reduction in government aid from more than £1billion a year during the 1980s .
9 His attempts to link reductions in working hours to more flexible work practices , for example , have run into powerful union resistance .
10 It will be the first completely free election in East Europe in more than 40 years .
11 A number of studies show a decline in stool frequency from more than four stools per day during the first week of life to 1.2 per day at four years of age with a corresponding increase in stool size .
12 The convention meeting has been bitterly divided over proposals to ban all trade in ivory because of decline in elephant numbers from more than 1.2 million to 600,000 in the last decade .
13 Kodak says this change is the company 's biggest advance in emulsion technology for more than 50 years .
14 Under Labour , the financial community would require a ‘ risk premium ’ to stay in sterling — possibly an increase in interest rates of more than two per cent .
15 Accurate planetary observations being collected today will in time lead to more stringent tests for a tenth planet .
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