Example sentences of "in [adj] go [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In 1979 , only one young person in eight went on to higher education .
2 She trained as a missionary , and in 1935 went out to Beirut as treasurer to a mission — the Middle-Eastern Christian Outreach — where , naturally , she also seized the opportunity of teaching PT and games to the student teachers on the campus .
3 He received little except somewhat vague offers of support but early in 1707 went back to Scotland , this time returning to St Germain with a formal invitation to ‘ James III and VIII ’ to reclaim his kingdom .
4 Geoffrey Scott was at Rugby School from 1898 to 1902 , and in 1903 went up to New College , Oxford , as an exhibitioner .
5 The Russian Christian Democratic Movement , which left the Democratic Russia movement in 1991 to go over to the opposition , did not participate in this " united opposition " declaration .
6 This in particular goes back to the issue of being told what the judiciary have recommended .
7 One woman in particular went out of her way to help me out .
8 From Shrewsbury School Hillary in 1937 went up to Trinity College , Oxford , starting to read philosophy , politics , and economics and then moving to modern history .
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