Example sentences of "in [adj] [noun sg] [conj] a " in BNC.

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1 Although this did not attain statistical significance in individual groups , the proportion of γ-interferon expressing intra epithelial lymphocytes in untreated coeliacs was only 25% of the value found in normal mucosa and a similar reduction was found in other groups with mucosal pathology ( Fig 3 ) .
2 The movement was also the best example of the ‘ spirit of the times ’ working within Nonconformity ; if evolutionary progress led to Lord Rosebery 's ‘ Efficiency ’ , a decline in unnecessary competition and a new emphasis on cooperation and order as opposed to unregulated competition , then the twentieth century demanded a better organized Nonconformity to assume the place hitherto occupied by the Church of England .
3 The system is in stable equilibrium because a small increase in the load torque retards the rotor , so the excitation changes occur at slightly smaller rotor positions .
4 Non-fuel minerals in Great Britain , with the exception of gold and silver , are mainly in private ownership although a significant proportion is owned by the Crown and by Government departments and agencies .
5 If 10%–15% of the total activity is carried out in private practice and a similar proportion is carried out by trainees without the direct supervision of a consultant then one consultant is required for approximately 30000 population .
6 The 1960s witnessed a downturn in economic performance and a growing realization that , in comparative terms , Britain was faring less well than many of her continental neighbors .
7 In September 1988 revised figures were published showing a dramatic rise in both passenger and freight traffic based on a expected increase in economic growth and a likely rise in ferry tariffs to compensate for a post-1992 loss of duty-free trade .
8 Taking office on May 10 , he brought in an older team of officials who were said to represent a shift to the right in economic policy and a less high-profile negotiating style .
9 This cake mixture will improve the longer it is kept , and should be stored well wrapped in non-stick paper and a double thickness of foil .
10 It is a matter of fact in each case whether a child has sufficient understanding to make certain decisions or take certain actions .
11 There should be more co-ordination of the work of the GCE examining boards , with more uniform standards of marking , a reduction in the number of separate syllabuses in each subject and a compulsory core common to the remaining syllabuses .
12 Director of the UK 's Fire Protection Association , Stewart Kidd , said the US law would require a smoke detector in each room and a sprinkler system for hotels more than three storeys high .
13 Wash basin in each room and a bathroom on every floor .
14 The Far Eastern Economic Review of Dec. 14 reported that a poll gave the Prime Minister a support rating of over 40 per cent , suggested that , after registering a one-off protest in July , voters were " returning to the fold " , being wooed with promises of political reform , a slowdown in agricultural liberalization and a pledge to reform the consumption tax .
15 As the market in manufactures enjoys less protection than the market in agricultural produce , it does not appear unreasonable to focus upon intra-EC trade in agricultural produce when a financial budget and an economic budget are considered .
16 One of the finest of all , ‘ Gelosia ’ , published in 1646 , opens with a great passionate outburst : which is followed by a nine-bar aria in triple time and a fast arioso ; the whole scheme is then twice repeated , very freely .
17 After an updated Dick Whittington in Working Girl and a thinly disguised Cinderella in Pretty Woman , to say nothing of Disney 's The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast , we have Deceived ( 15 ) , a psychological thriller which casts Goldie Hawn — a shade improbably — as Little Red Riding Hood .
18 The Salvadorean women 's organizations which support the FDR-FMLN have not yet formed a united front , although there have been several initiatives in that direction and a growing recognition of the need to do so .
19 In the Tudor Grange case Sir Nicolas Browne-Wilkinson noted that ‘ it has never been decided and was left open in that case whether a trustee in bankruptcy or a liquidator could assign otherwise than for value received by the estate of which he is the trustee . ’
20 It was decided in that case that a court of summary jurisdiction had no power under sections 91 to 96 of the Public Health Act 1875 ( now replaced by ss.92–99 of the Public Health Act 1936 ) , on proof of a nuisance from a sewage disposal works , constructed under that Act , to make an order for its abatement .
21 And there 's a section on the form which asks candidates to fill in their interests and it 's in that section that a candidate puts over their own personality , and so I would ask people who are applying to think very carefully before filling that section in , and to be both broad in what they say , that is to include all their interests , but also to be very specific as well .
22 It is that all young people under 18 who are not in full-time education or a job and who are seeking youth training are entitled to be offered and , if necessary , re-offered any number of times entry to a suitable YT programme and to receive such training .
23 Though one always has to treat figures such as these with caution , it does seem that the line-out project had considerable success both in terms of a reduction in operator dissatisfaction , reflected in lower turnover and a less rapid increase in absenteeism than other parts of the plant , and in terms of very substantial savings for management because of the increased flexibility of production it gave them .
24 At the latest meeting of Nether Wyresdale Parish Council attention was drawn to a recent accident in Lower Dolphinholme when a child was knocked off his bicycle by a car which failed to stop .
25 In those days Celtic were a force in European football and a successful run in the tournament was virtually guaranteed .
26 A sociology graduate , whether from a university or polytechnic , is 10 times more likely to be unemployed or in short-term employment than a building , pharmacy or civil engineering graduate .
27 It is hoped to submit a formal planning application in due course when a further public exhibition will be held showing the final layout of the road and the public will again have an opportunity to comment on the scheme at this time .
28 Dr Alan Stewart is a doctor specializing in nutritional therapy and a founding member of the British Society for Nutritional Medicine , as well as medical adviser to the Women 's Nutritional Advisory Service .
29 Had their remit been wider , they might well have discovered that many of the teachers ' anxieties about LMS arose from a lack of faith in school-level decision-making and a feeling of being somehow ‘ outside ’ the decision-making process : a ‘ victim ’ of change rather than an agent of it .
30 A French armoire with carving in high relief and a painted bergère chair are among his regular stock : he and his partner Neil Mackay now manufacture painted pieces as part of their decoration service .
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