Example sentences of "in [adj] [verb] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The arrival of the Turks in the Red Sea in 1517 proved disastrous for the Abyssinians .
2 The men at the ramparts had often tried in vain to tempt one of the stray artillery bullocks near enough to capture it , but at long last , towards the end of the first week of September , an old horse was captured at the banqueting hall and put to death .
3 Before the offensive began he had tried in vain to impress this upon his superiors .
4 Almost a quarter of a random sample of adults dying in 1987 had spent at least part of the last year of their lives in a residential or nursing home ; one in eight spent all of that year in one .
5 There 's nothing much in that to get upset about .
6 Reagan stormed through the Republican primaries in 1980 winning 29 of the 34 held , aided by an experienced professional staff fully aware of the significance of television and of the need to shape a campaign around the exigencies of those responsible for television news .
7 But in 1872 discovered one of the jewels of nineteenth-century physics , a precise quantitative relation giving the entropy of a gas in terms of mechanical quantities , namely the distribution of positions and velocities of its molecules .
8 Young in 1790 gave 10 to 25s ( 50p-£1.25 ) as the range for Birmingham but considered the higher level to predominate , making wages there " the highest in Europe " .
9 Binding was the second most frequent reason for the non-availability of material , and — since the most frequent reason was simply that a requested item was already in use — it was the main reason which could be considered as in some measure attributable to the Library 's own procedures .
10 As long as the Irish Republic provides a safe haven for substantial numbers of known terrorists , the British people will hold the Irish people in some measure responsible for the tragedies wrought by terrorism .
11 It is clear from the foregoing summary that the project has been successful in achieving in some measure most of the objectives it set itself .
12 With it , we are back with the problems of identity , specifically those of projection , the process by which certain aspects of the self are seen as located in some object external to the self , and of introjection , the process by which certain aspects of external objects are seen as being located within the self ; we are firmly back in the area of object-relations .
13 An outstanding American teacher of music speaks from her own experience of young children ( Upitis 1990 : 2 ) : " We have one strong factor in our favor in taking on the task of helping people become musicians , and that is , in some form all of us are already musicians . "
14 Hopton left King 's Bench in 1278 to become one of the justices of a court newly established after the treaty of Aberconway to deal with litigation from Wales and the Welsh marches .
15 Flooding in 1987-88 killed thousands of people and caused great damage to agriculture and to the infrastructure ( see pp. 35570-71 ; 36288 ) .
16 This time , the government has promised to pay , but rumours persist that it will try in future to leave more of the cost in private hands .
17 Women born in 1945–59 expected 2.27 children ; women born in 1960–4 expect 2.33 on average .
18 The copies are of the Tyrannic ides , Harmodios and Aristogeiton , by Kritios and Nesiotes ( the nature of whose collaboration we do not know ) , set up in the Agora at Athens in 477/6 to replace those by Antenor , carried off to Persepolis by Xerxes .
19 Bill Morrison was posted here during the war and amazed everyone by contacting the hotel in 1991 to return one of their beer glasses which he had had since waiting at the bar one night during the way only to have them run out of beer .
20 Watkin , who won two Test caps against the West Indies in 1991 took five for 71 .
21 Watkin , who won two Test caps against the West Indies in 1991 took five for 71 .
22 Voting in 1991 left 15 of 36 English ‘ metropolitan ’ districts with councils that were 80%-plus Labour ( nine of them 90%-plus ) .
23 Over-active minds affect one in eight men and women , and another one in 10 stay awake through pain or illness .
24 As far as discs are concerned , prices will vary widely but we can reasonably assume an average of £15 in 1995 holding steady throughout the decade .
25 A Home Office study ( HO 1/89 ) which looked at probationers in 1984 found that of some 110,000 people on probation , only 4 per cent were black , 2 per cent were Asian and 1 per cent were ‘ other ’ .
26 One of them is called the Alamo and in 1836 became one of the shrines , not only of Texan history , but of the history of the United States .
27 He went to India in 1870 to work first for the raja of Kathiawar , and then for the public works department of the government of India , in which he became executive engineer , military works .
28 The MPs elected in 1918 came near to meeting the expectations of 1911 and many of these had indeed been selected as candidates before the war : in 1918 the average age rose sharply ( over half were over fifty ) , the proportion with interests in the land fell , and the proportion with interests in business rose from 24 to 41 per cent .
29 The success of such operations may be judged by Council 's decision in 1950 to allocate five of the 45 Council seats to business members .
30 The Regional Railways loco-hauled trains in 1992 seem likely to be continued with Class 31 's being used - there are 3 Machynlleth drivers trained on them .
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