Example sentences of "in [adj] [noun] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It was a matter of very small beginnings for everybody , and then as the pictures that they made became more and more popular , more and more acceptable , used not merely in fairgrounds or in odd corners of shops and this sort of thing , for the odd fifteen minutes or twenty minutes of movie , but entered into the music halls , became one of the acts in the music hall entertainment erm this really was the foundation of a new industry , a new industry of entertainment , a new industry of information .
2 [ … ] Socialization within the family is manifested in subtle cues of things said and things not said , of facial expressions and gestures which arise in the course of day-to-day living within the same dwelling .
3 In such circumstances the achievement of the prices objective may necessitate a reduction in aggregate demand through cuts in government expenditure and increased taxes .
4 Taking the period 1979 — 85 , and dividing it into two parts , we find that in the years since 1983 the differences in surviving birth of infants born to parents in social class 1 , compared to those whose parents are in social classes IV and V , has widened .
5 Pain , the principal symptom , was controlled in surviving patients with analgesics alone .
6 This can be illustrated from a wide variety of cases : the uses of literacy for social control in nineteenth century Canada , for instance , where any ‘ critical ’ element was carefully excluded ( Graff , 1979 ) ; the restriction of the content of written forms to religious tracts by the Methodist missionaries who introduced literacy to Fiji in the nineteenth century ( Clammer , 1976 ) ; the examples from British literacy campaigns that show how illiteracy developed in schools because of the class-based nature of schooling ( Mace , 1979 ) ; the uses of literacy for religious and symbolic purposes in Ghana ( Goody , 1968 ) ; the greater trust placed by thirteenth century knights in England on seals and symbols as means of legitimating charters and rights to land and their suspicion of the written document as more likely to be forged and inaccurate ( Clanchy , 1979 ) ; the development in Iranian villages of forms of literacy taught in Koranic schools into forms of literacy appropriate for commercial trading in a rapidly modernising and urbanising economy ( Section 2 ) .
7 But last night he was in humiliating retreat after protests from German finance minister Horst Koehler .
8 Glucose absorption was highest in normal intestine from UK-ORS but not in secreting intestine and this certainly suggests an important role for passive glucose absorption due to solvent drag .
9 Is it still SWEG policy not to issue a membership list : I am in total sympathy re problem(s) of misuse , but other groups I belong to do have lists e.g. IPR , BAIE , ESBW , EICG .
10 Some extend in total darkness for miles and reveal displays of delicate carvings and formations that make water-action the greatest of all natural sculptors .
11 SALT , for example , gave the Soviets an advantage in the number of ICBM 's ( even if the US maintained predominance in total numbers of warheads ) ; grain sales to Russia helped Brezhnev solve his agricultural problems but upset US markets ; Jewish emigration from the USSR increased but not enough to please the critics so that the US Congress ( under the Jackson-Vanik amendment ) decided to tie economic deals with Russia to greater Jewish emigration .
12 From a longer-term perspective , it can be said that the number of transactions per day has shown no tendency to increase since the mid-1970s ; there was a surge in total number of transactions during 1987 and 1988 due to a large number of deals between the newly established market makers but both transactions on behalf of customers and intra-market business has fallen back since then .
13 We conclude that the mechanism will be effective in low-viscosity basic and intermediate magmas and can occur in basaltic magmas for crystals of diameter 1mm .
14 Such oil flowers and their bees are most abundant in neotropical savannas and forests and are known in 79 genera of plants in 10 families .
15 We worried at first that the children might be sceptical and uninterested ; but we soon found that nine year olds have already heard of atoms in garbled ways from comics and really want to know about them .
16 There are more physical constraints in council housing than in owner-occupied housing in terms of bedrooms and size , but these are minor compared to the restrictions in the private rented sector .
17 Centres will not immediately be affected , with the exception of those who , by agreement , become involved in small-scale piloting of aspects of the new Framework .
18 And still with crime , a former Scotland hockey player has been jailed for her part in armed raids on shops in Glasgow .
19 Bill Wood of Durham called about it , desisted from hurling it in this direction and merely gave the fascinating information that it has been about for 1,500 years and started off in Anglo Saxon as sacleas , meaning ‘ without strife ’ .
20 The relation between Helicobacter pylori ( H pylori ) infecton and fasting gastrin and pepsinogen-I and -II concentrations was evaluated in 278 volunteers without symptoms and the results were compared with the values obtained in 35 patients with duodenal ulcers .
21 Rivers in great cities became foul partly as a result of the beneficent introduction of the water-closet ; for diluted sewage was thus discharged straight into rivers , whereas before it had been collected as ‘ night-soil ’ in concentrated form from privies and used on the land .
22 As might be expected , 88% are male , married ( 85% ) and work in professional occupations as directors or senior executives .
23 But , as Alison Lurie observed in the Language of Clothes ( Bloomsbury , £11.99 ) , ‘ The entire history of female fashion in this century can be viewed as a series of more or less successful campaigns to force , flatter or bribe women back into uncomfortable or awkward styles in order to handicap them in professional competition with men . ’
24 A variety of causes can lie behind the poor performer 's difficulty — low threshold to boredom , poor verbal facility in professional discussions with adults , inadequate job knowledge ( whether or not as a result of inadequate initial training ) or stress .
25 1.10 It appears that nearly all languages make at least one division in the words of their vocabulary , morphologically or syntactically , or in both ways , between those which commonly do instantiate and those which can not instantiate entities ; the former are traditionally called nouns , and there is a very high degree of intuitive agreement in cross-linguistic identification of nouns precisely because speakers of even widely different cultures are disposed to agree in what they regard as entities rather than properties .
26 Norman Horobin 's suggestion ( ‘ Weather conditions ’ , 28 October ) that motorists can safely drove in dry weather with tyres below the legal limit is highly irresponsible .
27 There may be a lengthy exchange , with documents including the standard terms of the two parties passing to and fro , before the battle is won ; in certain circumstances the battle may result in neither set of terms governing the contract .
28 The mayor , banner-bearer , mace-bearer , halberdiers and councillors , wearing civic robes , covered the distance in eight hours with breaks for refreshments at Olliver Ducket and Deepdale Tree .
29 To examine this thesis , the crypt cell production rate ( CCPR ) was measured in eight groups of rats ( n=187 ) that had received 1,2 dimethylhydrazine , 70% small bowel resection , supplemental dietary calcium , or a combination of these .
30 Some memoirs , too , take us much further than official material ; those of de Gaulle are a case in point , while British official documents which in their original form remained hidden from the historian by the thirty-year rule were printed in the books of Winston Churchill and Eden , or have been unearthed in private collections by scholars able to disregard the consequences of publication .
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