Example sentences of "in [verb] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 SCO says it decision was based primarily on Intel Corp 's reported success in catching up with the performance promised by the ACE environment , and that it will re-focus its Open Desktop Unix efforts on the forthcoming P5 80586 part .
2 While working on the two biker films and his one sentence in The St Valentine 's Day Massacre , undemanding as they were , Nicholson was also writing another film script for Corman who was once again ahead of the field in latching on to the latest craze sweeping through the world : the children of the post-war baby boom were coming out to play and nothing could stop them now .
3 Although Joe Nichols in the New York Times wrote that ‘ Lester Piggott rode with the competence that has stamped him as one of the world 's great riders , and brought his mount home in time ’ , the Washington Post thought that ‘ there could be fault-finding with Piggott 's tactics in tucking in on the rail and not asking his mount for more of the effort he had in reserve ’ .
4 There may be more security in hanging on to the old and acquiring something new as well .
5 Does the Prime Minister recall my earlier concern that the parameters that he was instrumental in drawing up at the Rome summit , to separate an incipient European Community defence policy from NATO 's responsibilities for the defence of Europe , should be preserved ?
6 On that occasion we lost no time in speeding over to the courts , finding a judge , and obtaining an injunction almost at once .
7 ‘ the whole object of the section is to assimilate the practice in winding up to the practice in bankruptcy , which was established in order to enable assignees , who are now called trustees , in bankruptcy to find out facts before they brought an action , so as to avoid incurring the expense of some hundreds of pounds in bringing an unsuccessful action , when they might , by examining a witness or two , have discovered at a trifling expense that an action could not succeed .
8 But Mr Davies , who leaves behind a lower paid £85,000 at the commission , conceded he would have little difficulty in signing up for the business priorities agreed by the CBI 's governing council for the incoming government .
9 He resolved that the occurrence could be sorted out in daylight and that there was no point in groping about in the dark .
10 But COS influence was at its most profound in passing on to the service the principle of casework , for this embodied a number of middle-class assumptions about individualism , character , and family responsibilities .
11 She had seen him in the little town so immersed in looking up at the old buildings , that he ran into a lamppost .
12 But if film executives were to be believed , the majority of the audience was less interested in salving their fears about wars and conflicts ahead than in looking back to the time when Britain had a role to play in the world .
13 In looking back at the department 's achievements , one has to accept that reorganisation which Judy and Simon have already referred to , has because of its sheer scale and impact on N C V O been something of an abiding preoccupation over the past twelve to eighteen months .
14 Said his friend-cum-mentor , Irving Layton , in looking back over the period , ‘ I had a very sharp feeling in the early fifties that poetry in Canada had come in from the cold and was starting to gain momentum . ’
15 Several schools commented on the importance of involving the whole school in living up to the agreed health policy .
16 No point in turning up at the school if young Nick was n't going to be there .
17 The 28-year-old Londoner should have an even more straightforward task in going through to the last four when he meets either Tim Garner or Hadrian Stiff , whose appearances in the main draw came as a result of the withdrawal of Del Harris and Tony Hands respectively .
18 The 28-year-old Londoner should have an even more straightforward task in going through to the last four when he meets either Tim Garner or Hadrian Stiff , whose appearances in the main draw came as a result of the withdrawal of Del Harris and Tony Hands respectively .
19 Dalglish , preparing for today 's clash at Coventry , said : ‘ There 's no point in going on about the League table while we are still in August .
20 He was n't going for a joy trip , he was n't going out in the boat just to se to while away an hour or so to relax and to unwind , he was n't going there to , just to get away from the crowd of people that had been following him and had been listening to him , he had a purpose in going in into the boat , to go to the other side .
21 As for Willie Aitchison , who was felled by a ball on the knee on Wednesday , this game old caddie was having no difficulty in going along with the hospital 's recommendations .
22 ‘ I 've had businesses and lots of youth groups contacting me extremely interested in going out in the boat .
23 Herodotus 's Histories and Aeschylus 's Agamemnon serve as touchstones for Brooke-Rose 's novel , for in going back to the classical period , it is able to return to the point at which these distinctions began to be associated with different ways of talking and writing attributed to fact and to fiction .
24 ‘ There was no point in going back to the hotel .
25 My guess is that I am not alone in waking up to the stunning brutality of boxing .
26 And , casting an eye towards the world championships in August , Backley insisted that if the injury hung around he would have no hesitation in pulling out of the year 's big event in Stuttgart to prevent further damage .
27 Hopefully Mansell will put the most famous name in racing back at the top of Formula One Grand Prix racing .
28 She suspects me of a form of vanity in sidling up to the existential questions .
29 The answer seems to lie in facing up to the fact that one particular cycle or era has finally come to a close and therefore both personally and professionally it would be wiser to channel your energies into something new .
30 The worst part lay in facing up to the fact that some of the things he 'd said were true , much as she might try to deny it .
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