Example sentences of "in [noun] and they had " in BNC.

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1 I looked for one of those sandwich box things for Gerald in Sainsburys and they had n't got one .
2 to put these things in ice and they had n't got any of the , of the
3 It was impossible to say that the order made by the justices had any foundation in law and they had erred in principle in making it ; MacDougall v. Knight [ 1889 ] A.C. 194 , Scott v. Scott [ 1913 ] A.C.417 , Att. -Gen. v. Leveller Magazine Ltd .
4 You see my brother Joe is wrong , he should have , he 's a workaholic , and they 're doing sixteen hours a day and they 're working , can you imagine , and I mean my youngest brother Brad who 's working with him said er Joe do n't stop , a week , no a fortnight la , a fortnight last Sunday they had to put a not air conditioning yeah it is air conditioning unit in Smith 's in Staines and they had to whatever happens they had to get it working for the next day , it 's got to be in and working and they worked all day , my brother , my eldest brother Derek weld it for nine hours non stop , to the point where Brad our , my younger brother and Joe had
5 The Oliver family was long established in Romaldkirk and they had a shop selling meal and other products .
6 and they had to they had to sit in rows and they had to do as they were told and they were n't allowed
7 Anyway , just after Christmas this guy says er I still want the hotel so Peter said well you better put something down , you ge , better get something so he he went and put fifty thousand as a deposit on it and then said his legal advisers would be in touch and they had a month went by and they never heard anything , so Peter rang up , he was telling me the other day , er , he rang up yeah , go , he does n't want it you know ?
8 Like , we know people in Cork who are still influenced by Sid Vicious — they were good in school and they had brains and all that , but now … ‘
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