Example sentences of "in [noun] and i had " in BNC.

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1 And er we were quite fortunate in this cos I went , had to go to a meeting in Sheffield and I had n't realized in advance but at this meeting the people at the meeting were asked to give recommendations as to what priorities should be given in terms of awarding the bids .
2 ‘ I 'm no use to anyone in football and I had better get out , ’ he said .
3 I was about fifteen ; I made my first record and I started playing in nightclubs and I had my first drink .
4 At the time I could n't work legally in England and I had about two or three months to deliver my thesis for my degree .
5 I said I was not commencing duties until the next day as my girlfriend worked in Richmond and I had arranged to see her , which I had , by phone .
6 Once , Reginald Forte , the famous organist , came to Middleton in Teesdale and I had the pleasure of attending that concert .
7 It lasted three days in court and I had to do night duties and then , finishing between 12 and 2 a.m. , going on nights again , going off early , going to court .
8 ‘ We bought it in Paris and I had to stand for hours while they fitted me .
9 Joanne had handled the set-up of the press conference in Glasgow and I had gone on to Newcastle Airport to meet the plane there .
10 If I went out at the age of 68 at Drury Lane to celebrate Rory Bremner 's 50 years in showbusiness and I had n't got my pyjamas on , somebody would shout ‘ Where 's your pyjamas ’ ? ’
11 By some mix-up , my papers did n't seem to be in order and I had to hold on there until the proper American visa came through .
12 It was half past ten in the morning , twenty-four hours after arriving in Reggane and I had not yet left .
13 Last week a party of Dublin deaf were in Belfast and I had the opportunity to put my new skills into use .
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