Example sentences of "in [noun] where [ex0] [is] " in BNC.

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1 If x and y are variables , then unc denotes the result of substituting x for every free occurrence of y in P. If x is bound at any point in P where there is a free y , systematic renaming of P's bound variables is carried out .
2 In contrast where there is no stated goal , their contribution will be obscure and their sense of dedication and responsibility will ebb : when purpose is unclear , performance is low .
3 At least if there is a uniform a rule is seen to exist , but it is in schools where there is no uniform but where girls are prevented from wearing trousers that the greatest conflict can arise .
4 In schools where there is no full-time librarian , it could still be done by teachers .
5 Could life originate in environments where there is no oxygen ?
6 DC is certainly not regarded as the perfect classification scheme even in sectors where there is no serious alternative .
7 Having witnessed the horrifying poverty and hunger in countries where there is just not enough food to feed the teeming masses , he feels depressed and worried about the future .
8 It has been suggested that stage migration is most likely to take place in countries where there is a significant network of small towns and villages , such as Chile , Brazil and Colombia .
9 This is a common feature of faith in countries where there is an established or state church — faith is almost inherited .
10 In countries where there is a large degree of regulation of the terms of employment by the state , the role of collective bargaining may be correspondingly reduced .
11 This especially true in countries where there is an acute hard currency deficit .
12 the natural deduction from what I have said so far would be for Governments to end the necessity of monetising debt and make sure that they do n't put themselves in the position of monetising debt — at any rate in circumstances where there is not a substantial deficiency of demand for labour and where therefore the monetisation of debt would not be counterbalanced by an increase in real production .
13 This may arise even in circumstances where there is a knowledge of BSL and therefore some way of encoding its meaning .
14 Decreasing local government spending autonomy , in circumstances where there is a close connection in j between tax costs and benefits , will tend to replace OP-sized local projects with ON-sized centrally provided and generally financed ones .
15 If the design has been generated by a computer in circumstances where there is no human author , the person making the arrangements is treated as the proprietor of the design .
16 This point will be particularly important in areas which have net inflow of elderly patients , and in areas where there is extensive new building of residential or nursing homes .
17 Thus high rates of job loss might be expected in areas where there is a high rate of technological innovation , but this may also be associated with an equally high rate of job creation .
18 The task-centred approach is not seen as being particularly useful in areas where there is a mental health problem , or severe mental impairment , where long-term dependency is envisaged , or where the client is unable to accept that there is a problem to be dealt with and worked on .
19 To survive , remain active and breed in areas where there is little or no rain and no open water at all , a creature must have both a watertight skin and a watertight egg .
20 The study also confirms that referral rates are lower in areas where there is no local renal unit nearby .
21 Called Double Drain , the board is designed primarily for use on vertical walls and structures in areas where there is a high water content in the ground .
22 Little was known , however , of whether ESRC support was more important in some areas than others or whether , in areas where there is significant support from other sources , ESRC 's support for basic or strategic research ( as applied to applied ) might nevertheless be critical .
23 From this community they have spread out and have now become a part of LE for adolescents and children of all races , though perhaps ( no research has been done to my knowledge ) only in areas where there is significant contact between the black and white communities .
24 They say in areas where there is only one mail delivery a day , letters could be delayed by 24 hours .
25 But Papert wants something more , as he wrote in Mindstorm : ‘ I want to know what kind of computer culture can grow in communities where there is not already rich technophilic soil .
26 In organisations where there is an intermediate level ( eg divisional , regional or subsidiary company headquarters ) between the establishment and the enterprise headquarters , an interview is being conducted at this level also .
27 Hypochondria is thought to be a result of repressed emotions and secret fears , and it is far more likely to develop in families where there is a preoccupation with illness , or in people who have a great deal of contact with invalids as children .
28 In families where there is a predisposition to violence , especially where an adult was abused as a child by the parent , the concept of elder abuse offers a further example of the violence extended in that family towards the least powerful members .
29 The possibilities for disputes of the latter kind of course have increased since this study was done in the 1960s because of rising rates of divorce and remarriage , and we need up-to-date data on how people handle the range of claims of inheritance in families where there is a complex series of step-relationships .
30 Such children should not be working in conditions where there is glare , such as bright light from an unshaded window streaming on to a child 's face .
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