Example sentences of "in [noun] they [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They disable the alarm , use a glass-cutter to get in , do n't leave any prints behind and wear masks in case they 're spotted .
2 Well , we 're not supposed to start till five past , so let's give them a couple more minutes just in case they 're caught in the lift or something .
3 frantic , man In case they 're gon na Nuke us Tae the back of
4 ‘ And Kate , the vacancy is now filled , but perhaps you 'd better take names and addresses of any applicants just in case they 're needed later . ’
5 Well th they 're there in case they 're needed I think you see
6 For a start , I wo n't talk about other people in case they 're hurt .
7 A useful way to understand this is to remember that in a domestic context UK banks do not need to keep operational balances at the Bank of England equal to the total value of their deposits , just in case they are withdrawn .
8 Another implication of this advice is that teachers need not begin keeping cupboards full of evidence from every pupil over three year periods in case they are selected for a random sample check on teacher assessments .
9 Data analysts must not be put off using the best techniques available in case they are misunderstood , but they have an important responsibility to explain what they have done to try to ensure that misunderstandings do not arise .
10 Keep the rest of the answers in reserve in case they are needed .
11 British Rail trains travelling in remote areas of Scotland carry Mars bars in their emergency packs in case they are stranded in snow .
12 DARLINGTON police have warned gardeners not to leave tools out at night in case they are used for crime .
13 They are too scared to hug them in case that innocent action is misinterpreted , and too scared to smack them when they do wrong in case they are accused of assault .
14 ‘ Of course you can , ’ she said , taking his arm and walking him towards the bay window , but she kept one eye on the painting in case they were tempted .
15 On the telephone , they used rhyming slang in case they were overheard ; at the celebrations , the fine crystal glass and good company belied the hazards of patrolling a few dozen miles away .
16 I bought that along with me , just in case they were gon na .
17 I told him to ring I told him ring Apex up in case they were recruiting .
18 And he checked and then he went So I took the bags off the pillows in case they were sweating in the bags and I put them out on the seats .
19 We were all made very wary by this brush with authority and Frankie even refused to go out with Dad that night in case they were spotted by the parish man .
20 It also urged firms to make sure they completed and exported orders quickly in case they were found out or the UN introduced further sanctions against Iraq .
21 In Germany they are becoming blase .
22 Its main interest lay in the reconstruction of the historical evolution of the Indo-European languages which , perhaps because in Germany they were known as ‘ Indo-German ’ , attracted national , if not nationalist , attention in that country .
23 Later this month in Middlesbrough they are playing a programme entirely from Vienna .
24 That 's where I got them in Bewise they 're closing down or something or
25 one is that i it may be that the old moral economy worked because the peasants recognized that , in a sense , that was the way they w well they , they could not stand up and criticize the landlord th the , the most they could do was to try and get the landlord to behave in a reasonable way , and that within that there would then be the sub-culture , the counter-culture of , of beginnings of mutual aid and what is happening in is in part that the communists are making them think the old moral economy work , but in part they are picking up on those sub- culture bits because the , the , the whole of mutual aid idea is , is coming from existing peasant cooperations .
26 In part they are driven by the need to effect productivity improvements in the public sector , and IT once more becomes the means to achieve this .
27 Japanese who admit their country was wrong in its aggressions of 1930–45 nonetheless point out that in part they were trying to rescue Asia from western colonialism .
28 In part they were motivated by concern to shore up the influence of their class over provincial affairs .
29 In March they were received as World Champions by an ecstatic crowd after winning the Cricket World Cup for the first time .
30 ‘ For the first time in ages they are tackling their problems in a sensible , mature manner without hysteria on one side and bloody-mindedness on the other .
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