Example sentences of "in [noun] and [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 If they thought er well I 'd better go round just in case and she might need something or she might she might just want to talk or whatever you know .
2 A new daughter-in-law is greeted by her mother-in-law with the blessing ‘ May you have seven sons ’ or urged formally to ‘ bathe in milk and you 'll have lots of sons ’ .
3 Nowadays people are worried about er , drinking milk and dairy products because of the cholesterol bit , but I think that we 've got to remember that there 's a lot of calcium in milk and you should drink milk and take plenty of exercise and that is the time when it 's probably extremely important !
4 On Sunday I went to a car boot sale in Runcorn and what should I see amongst the mangy teddys and oily old spanners but a vintage 60s Leeds Subbuteo team !
5 I got to know it pretty well when I was living in Sheffield and I 'd recommend anyone to take a walking holiday there .
6 His beloved 's in Sheffield and he ca n't wait to sell his house ( any takers for a neat little cottage in Cwm y Glo ? ) and join her there .
7 Sometimes time series exhibit an obvious change in level and it may be sensible to analyse the two halves separately , producing two roughs and two smooths .
8 Delighted to see you , Mr and Mrs White — Dartmouth , I 'm sorry — not married yet , ha , ha , two weeks in paradise and you will be , we can arrange a beautiful and tasteful ceremony at sunset on the jetty just behind the oil tanks — this is the Captain 's lounge bar , this is the Captain himself — buy him a rum and he 'll tell you his life story in four different languages , two of them English — and this is the staircase — can I give you a hand with that bag ?
9 ‘ We have been punished for schoolboy errors in defence and we can not afford similar slips against Hartlepool .
10 However plans have been approved for the residential development of the Mill Yard and it is possible that by March/April 94 work may be in progress and we may not be able to use this site .
11 That 's right the tenth replacement depot in Lichfield and they used to come round to Walsall looking for absentees and deserters and they there was actually a shooting match in Street the MPs started firing the guns at these fellas who 'd gone absent without leave , and , but as I understand I remember at the time there was a lot of racism in America then and they , they picked these coloured fellas up and apparently the C O at Lichfield was very much a southern colonel and he was a racist and they used to chain these coloured guys up behind the trucks and make them walk all the way back to Lichfield behind the trucks driving the trucks at walking pace and I understand there was a , a salver , a commemorative salver in the Town Hall to be presented to him , and some an MP in the Council he were looking for this colonel , but as I understand he was court-martialled after the war for racism and so I do n't think he 'd be wanting , wanted to be connected with Walsall any more , so but this was
12 But yes I 'm sure you can be a missionary in Harlow and I 'd like to think that maybe I could erm increase that work and maybe have an afternoon a week where I could talk to people about God , but I think there 's not really time in a ten minute surgery slot .
13 Mr Mulroney said the leadership convention will take place in mid-June and he would hand over soon after .
14 I was no longer in Brazil , they said , I was in Bolivia and I would have to show some respect .
15 Questions of construction may be involved on what is said in Parliament and I can not see how if the rule is modified in this way the parties ' legal advisers could properly come to court without having looked to see whether there was anything in the Hansard Report on the Bill which could assist their case .
16 Buildings were in flames and I could hear the screams and moans of the trapped and injured .
17 But it was quite uncanny — three days earlier it would have been completely covered in snow and they 'd never have seen it : three days later it would have been stripped to a skeleton . ’
18 He used to call here sometimes in spring and we would have the utmost difficulty in keeping his seraglio out of the house .
19 Glasgow City Brightsiders are the only one of the leading men 's sides in action and they can overtake Edinburgh Burger Kings at the top of the men 's first division if , as they should , they take care of the young Cumnock team at Cumnock Academy tomorrow .
20 It is going to be a really great weekend with that super colt St Jovite among a host of top horses in action and you will also be able to sample the exotic Paris nightlife .
21 It is now 33 years since the last major air crash in Ayrshire and we must pray that there is never another .
22 Do this for three days in succession and you will be able to make up your own mind whether it works or not .
23 Aggie pointed to the seat at the front of the cart , and immediately Millie had done so , she gripped the iron frame of the seat , heaved herself on to the first step , then , almost with a lunge , on to the seat ; but this time she did n't say , as she usually did , ‘ I 'm past this ; I 'll sit on the back in future and you 'll take him , ’ but she jerked the reins and put the pony into a trot .
24 But in a more important sense he would be wrong , for there is no such person as he had in mind and I would have been there all the time .
25 They will ultimately I presume , move into the new centre when it 's er , when it 's built and available in Whitchurch and it will need amendment at that stage .
26 Speak to a Kenyan distance runner in the high hills of the Rift Valley , a Bulgarian hurdler , a Soviet pole vaulter or even a Chinese high jumper and though they may not understand a word of what you are saying , when you utter the words ‘ Andy Norman ’ lights will shine in eyes and heads will nod in recognition and they will search , sometimes desperately , for an interpreter .
27 Inherited disorders such as cystic fibrosis and functional anomalies such as mental retardation were excluded , but phenylketonuria , galactosaemia , and congenital hypothyroidism were included because they are routinely detected by neonatal screening in Hungary and they may manifest as a congenital abnormality ( for example , microcephaly , cataract , umbilical hernia ) .
28 She would joke about the young ‘ uns with fat bums , riding around in cars and we would marvel at the so-called disabled people dismounting briskly from buses or climbing energetically from orange-badged cars .
29 The latest goal to Brann was given on a dubious penalty in overtime and there should probably have been given a free-kick for handling — for — Lyn just before the last Brann goal — the ref admitted this after seeing the whole situation on video-tape .
30 So she watched television and erm Princess Diana erm said something shocking at lunchtime at a luncheon party or lunch party and erm maybe just erm ten days before that Princess Diana 's announcement we were told by the Register Teacher that we will have an assignment of in February and we will compare some newspapers articles and maybe she did n't explain very erm specifically but she just gave us erm the brief information about er register assignment in February and she told us that we should er we should collect some newspapers about the same title was about the same topic and ho we should compare how each newspaper treated , treats the er news or what do you call that ?
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