Example sentences of "in [noun] and [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Even the most generous interpretation of the figures reveals a very modest increase in funding and it most certainly does not even begin to compensate for ten years of cuts .
2 You live in hope and you also die in despair .
3 In China they have written into the constitution the equality of women in opportunity and everything else .
4 Well this to , to photograph anything , this just happens to be a camera and I suppose that would appeal to a lot of camera collectors to people that I er er who I work with , people I know , friends and that , they know I 'm interested in photography and they always ask me about cameras
5 As an illness that starts in adolescence and which often has a chronic course requiring repeated admissions , anorexia nervosa imposes a substantial financial burden on the community .
6 The operator has the choice of turning down one microphone — if for instance the class is working in groups and you only want to hear one group at a time — or of recording the combined sound of , say , teacher and student microphones on one audio track .
7 erm a great deal is talked about democracy in schools and you very often have all kinds of organisations allegedly which take democratic decisions .
8 And everybody that sent cards , I mean it was really great I mean get well cards are sort of things that you see in shops and you never really think about it , but when when you 're lying flat on your back in hospital and you get cards for people , I mean it really does give you a lift .
9 Vocational training developments may be based in FE and HE as well as in other training providers including companies .
10 However hard I work and struggle for the future there are ever snares to catch me and sometimes I see no end to it and think myself doomed to pass my days in toil and nothing else .
11 Also , I must admit I saw a pair of green suede baby shoes in Gap and I all but swooned : size 0 , cute as Goldie Hawn 's left ear , very nearly her right .
12 Peter Duncan has a background in acrobatics and he certainly needed it with his interpretation of the little tramp .
13 Chris said that always like that Christmas time because they have the pay talks in January and they always cut them back
14 Police arrested him with 14 ounces of the drug in January and he now faces up to 25 years in jail .
15 But once again they have n't worked hers out , I mean she told them she was down here in January and she still has n't had a bill yet for the end of this year .
16 It was one of the first cities conquered by the Arabs in Andalucía and it still retained a Moorish atmosphere .
17 As we mentioned in the first chapter of this book , egalitarian marriage is now widely promoted as an ideal , but recent research indicates that there is a wide gulf between what is said to be happening in terms of sharing in marriage and what actually happens .
18 Conditions on the boat were cosy , not to say cramped , reflecting Branson 's absorption in work and his somewhat bemusing sense of priorities .
19 generated or whatever , who do you wish to pay to , and we have four erm electricity board , the gas board , the er er er credit card and the , ca n't remember what the fourth one is , you simply say I wan na pay number four how much do you wish to pay to the Royal Bank of Scotland and you say how much you wish to pay in , er in pence and it immediately says you wish to pay blah blah blah it will be done .
20 I do n't know if honey even existed in Russia and I somehow doubt it .
21 A similar romantic nationalist tradition was also developing in Russia and it too seems to have influenced Marx .
22 Our experience of sponsorship in Scotland was invaluable and , because of the success we enjoyed there with volleyball , we chose to support the National Leagues and Cup competitions in England and we recently sponsored a four-nations international event which provided some of the finest volleyball ever seen in Britain ; thanks to television coverage , nationwide audiences were able to share in the excitement .
23 I talk to them while the muzzle is tied in place and they then remain very docile .
24 today , in school we had a two members of a family planning association and er , we were in group and we actually had the guys in our class , they 're seventeen , maybe eighteen sitting laughing and sniggering between themselves !
25 I notice if someone gives me full cream like in cereal and I just think , I wo n't eat .
26 The young Duke squanders his enormous fortune in commissioning Sir Carte Blanche to remodel his palace in town and his genuinely Gothic castle .
27 He does a lot of business in Turin and I just told him I was going there . ’
28 Paul Lawson from Melbourne had worked with Oz in Sydney and he automatically came round , and was appointed deputy editor .
29 I 've never been in jail and I never wan na find out what it 's like in jail but if you actually ever go to the police station , Harlow police station , they sometimes let people up there and do tours , no one likes being left in the cell cos when the door closes it 's very very small and it 's very claustrophobic , and it 's not very nice .
30 So before my call-up I went to old Mr Grover in Darrowby and he painstakingly did all that was necessary .
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